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tcm328pan 2016-1-7 10:23 PM
LaoDa, You are expert in Elliott wave principal. May I learn from you? My email    tcm328pan@yahoo.com.
Brainteaser 2008-11-27 09:21 AM
peregrine: Happy Thanksgiving to Brainteaser!!!!!
happy holiday!!!
Brainteaser 2008-11-27 09:17 AM
peregrine: Happy Thanksgiving to Brainteaser!!!!!
oh yeah!!! happy holiday!!! shopping smart  :)
peregrine 2008-11-19 01:06 PM
Stock Timing to me: Wednesday, November 19th. - Stock Trends, Charts, and Commentary Institutional Investors remain in Distribution.  Is there any hopefulness in their Buying and Selling activity? It was last September that Institutions went into Distribution and they have remained in distribution since. There was a one day exception in the beginning of November ... but that lasted only one day with no follow through ... and with Institutions quickly returning to a distribu ... ...
peregrine 2008-11-18 11:21 AM
StockTime to me: Tuesday, November 18th. - Stock Trends, Charts, and Commentary Is the stock market close to deciding whether to give us another leg down? Today' chart looks at "the change of balance fight" between how many stocks are shifting between being Very Strong in Strength, or Very Weak in Strength. Today's Question: Can this "change of balance fight" chart analysis signal new down turns in the stock market? For the answer, let's go to today's Lead/Lag Indicator cha ... ...
peregrine 2008-11-10 12:00 PM
StockTiming.com  to me    An Institutional index pattern breakout is nearby ... By now, you are very familiar with the importance of Institutional buying and selling, because Institutional activity accounts for over 50% of the trading volume everyday.  There is no other group with the clout and ability to change the market's direction. Today's chart is the action of what has happened to the price movement of the "core holdings" held by Institutions for ... ...


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