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ysc 2020-7-31 06:00 PM
sorry, fixed.
秋雨 2020-7-31 04:45 PM
秋雨 was out on Tuesday incorrectly in 07/31/2020 - 胡同888彩票. "涨跌涨跌涨 秋雨"
ysc 2017-8-11 02:22 AM
about the item 1, there is no problem. there is 回帖仅作者可见 function.
about the item 2, We can do the cash prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place who participate at least 60% 888彩票 from Sep to end of year. do you have any other idea?
盈透阿狗 2017-8-10 11:49 PM
Ysc老大,我对您组织的888彩票感兴趣,正在建立一个模型,看看能否用大家的智慧,预测大盘走向。有两件事想和您商量: (1)我注意到SPY竞猜和888彩票在投票过程中的区别。 投票前,SPY不显示投票结果,只有投过票之后,才能看到目前的投票结果,这保证了每个投票的独立性,不受其他选民的影响。 在888彩票投票过程中,显示之前所有投过的票,这可能会影响一些人的独立判断。也就是说,一个人的决定可能会参考他人的投票而做出,从而失去独立。 个人独立判断,影响到统计模型的效果。 不知道888能否在投票截止日期之前, 不向没有投 ... ...
tcm328pan 2016-7-11 08:28 AM
LaoDa, I wrote a paper in Chinese several years ago. that can explain almost every hot point in the world such as Sviet Union diet, Tiland, Isas problem, Human right etc. Could you call me or email me? Thanks.
TZOO 2011-6-24 04:22 PM
YSC, I am in Plano also.
GoldLover 2011-6-22 03:22 PM
ysc: Nice to see yoru msg, I am in NW Plano. So far, I only know another HTer 'Texas Ranger' in the Plano area. when is best time to meet for you?
I sent you a message
GoldLover 2011-6-22 02:49 PM
I am in Plano. Does anyone want to have gathering?  I can host.
德州牛仔 2011-6-5 08:25 PM
I am in Plano. But I am kind lazy, thanks for asking.


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