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预览 [讨论] 看不懂了,债券也跟大盘一起涨。 canada9918 2009-7-16 02:41 PM 31083 feelucky 2009-7-16 03:11 PM
预览 [灌水] 20090715 (no title)  ...2 lite1067 2009-7-15 09:37 PM 311477 wmv 2009-7-16 03:04 PM
预览 [灌水] 从明天起,不灌水了,休坛一个星期 hithere 2009-7-16 02:54 PM 2400 google 2009-7-16 03:00 PM
预览 [放炮] bought some TBT feelucky 2009-7-16 02:48 PM 2447 feelucky 2009-7-16 02:56 PM
预览 why CIT is not a big deal  ...2 jsl 2009-7-15 11:28 PM 221472 maxmartin 2009-7-16 02:46 PM
预览 [讨论] 熊熊暂时忍耐一下,等待也是一种美德 hithere 2009-7-15 10:15 PM 5860 9527 2009-7-16 02:02 PM
预览 CIT talks fall apart, bankruptcy may loom dara 2009-7-15 05:29 PM 7758 9527 2009-7-16 01:59 PM
预览 [原创] Since there is no more WSLZ, here is my points colderdown 2009-7-15 07:35 PM 171670 xiaoshitou 2009-7-16 01:19 PM
预览 [灌水] 明天大事略记 swimminginstock 2009-7-15 03:10 PM 18940 smilingears 2009-7-16 12:52 PM
预览 [灌水] 今天市场很无聊, 灌点小水 tonghu 2009-7-16 12:05 PM 1380 chongqi 2009-7-16 12:38 PM
预览 DOES Gary Shilling MAKE SENSE???? jsl 2009-7-15 11:51 PM 7526 ByStander 2009-7-16 12:27 PM
预览 IB ppteam 2009-7-16 09:13 AM 7591 hnhy 2009-7-16 12:07 PM
预览 [灌水] 泉MM上周五给俺的鸡毛信太厉害了,哇哈哈  ...23 跟股庄谈恋爱 2009-7-15 03:42 PM 464304 xiaoyu2004 2009-7-16 12:01 PM
预览 [转贴] 下一步的投资方向是什么?——我的投资故事 (ZT) 精华1 QQQ? 2009-7-16 08:10 AM 5992 buctusa 2009-7-16 12:00 PM
预览 [操作技巧] 如何从XNG上赚钱 hnhy 2009-7-16 11:32 AM 0716 hnhy 2009-7-16 11:32 AM
预览 这个消息可以使熊熊高兴吗? superxy 2009-7-16 01:17 AM 71081 pinball 2009-7-16 11:20 AM
预览 [原创] Will history repeat itself for this crazy rebound? bucks 2009-7-15 06:47 PM 162109 wangbin1943 2009-7-16 11:14 AM
预览 Haha dara 2009-7-15 03:05 PM 81011 polopolo 2009-7-16 11:11 AM
预览 投资铜最好跟风中国 (zt) 卜丁 2009-7-16 11:09 AM 0179 卜丁 2009-7-16 11:09 AM
预览 中国上半年GDP同比增长7.1% CPI同比降1.1% (zt) 卜丁 2009-7-16 11:07 AM 0243 卜丁 2009-7-16 11:07 AM
预览 一个职业操盘手推荐的入门小说教材,外加一些技术文章汇总贴. 精华1  ...2 Brainteaser 2008-2-17 02:59 AM 212819 dbshjb 2009-7-16 10:53 AM
预览 [放炮] 立志帖:拒绝再玩  ...2 癸癸淼 2009-7-15 07:59 PM 212419 癸癸淼 2009-7-16 10:50 AM
预览 Gap must be filled - 答资深潜水问 精华1 Cobra 2007-11-12 11:06 PM 4928 风清扬 2009-7-16 10:36 AM
预览 如何学做Option(转贴) 精华1 xiaobailong 2007-11-18 11:50 AM 151269 风清扬 2009-7-16 10:36 AM
预览 有关 Dividend  的一些谬误和混淆 精华1 waveplayer 2008-2-24 06:08 PM 5702 风清扬 2009-7-16 10:36 AM
预览 [转贴] 我的技术分析学习之路 (ZT) 精华1  ...2 JL01 2009-7-3 11:29 AM 275059 spy2011 2009-7-16 10:36 AM
预览 盘前:美股指数期货涨跌不一 逍遥山人 2009-7-16 08:18 AM 4355 逍遥山人 2009-7-16 10:06 AM
预览 [放炮] 那些说俺MHP的都进来看看 跟股庄谈恋爱 2009-7-15 08:26 PM 6724 go2you6 2009-7-16 09:41 AM
预览 [技术分析] CoolMax 晚间复盘 2009-07-15  ...2345 CoolMax 2009-7-15 07:17 PM 874240 icecream 2009-7-16 09:04 AM
预览 [转贴] 华尔街的金融炒家们操盘世界经济格局  ...2 暖漾 2009-7-15 11:03 AM 203243 yubo 2009-7-16 08:44 AM
预览 [原创] 市场暂时还是中性偏牛!(调低到80分)  ...2 北京哥哥 2009-7-15 01:52 PM 351901 palm 2009-7-16 08:40 AM
预览 [灌水] 推荐个游戏,大家闲了可以玩玩,对资金控制有帮助。 Diffusion 2009-7-15 01:39 AM 10654 lanrain1012 2009-7-16 07:50 AM
预览 [转贴] 嘿嘿 小亥 2009-7-16 12:33 AM 1343 maja9339 2009-7-16 07:18 AM
预览 [灌水] 44%不亏,80%不赚 vivian 2009-7-15 07:22 PM 71303 xiaobailong 2009-7-16 07:10 AM
预览 [原创] Sailing NaturalLaw 2009-7-16 05:45 AM 2516 snowwolf229 2009-7-16 06:37 AM
预览 [放炮] warning to mid-long term bears QuickHand 2009-7-15 05:26 AM 142198 QuickHand 2009-7-16 04:01 AM
预览 [转贴] VIX Advances With S&P 500 as Traders See Higher Risk for Stocks hithere 2009-7-15 04:03 PM 16875 stringzero 2009-7-16 01:37 AM
预览 [放炮] 崩溃帖:偶正式宣布崩溃了  ...2 frank 2009-7-15 06:26 PM 383840 MeiTouNao 2009-7-16 01:17 AM
预览 [讨论] (zt) Chinese Growth Quickens, 8% 2009 Goal in Sight soulvirus 2009-7-15 10:32 PM 1403 Stein 2009-7-16 12:45 AM
预览 [技术分析] 三月到六月是12345还是ABC sds 2009-7-15 04:23 PM 9869 leftbank 2009-7-16 12:28 AM
预览 [讨论] Listen people, this is the one you should read hithere 2009-7-15 08:32 PM 171505 4qw 2009-7-16 12:20 AM
预览 [技术分析] 07/20/2010 大盘回顾 (Record High Tick Readings)  ...2345 Cobra 2010-7-20 06:57 PM 935691 6th-Sense 2009-7-16 12:01 AM
预览 [灌水] Long Term Buy And Hold Is Still Bad Advice phcpbl 2009-7-15 11:52 PM 0346 phcpbl 2009-7-15 11:52 PM
预览 [原创] Amiborker 中StockCharts.com风格的Candle 精华2  ...234 sagittarius 2009-2-16 11:26 AM 766458 benshou 2009-7-15 11:45 PM
预览 突破了?密切关注 goodness 2009-7-15 09:04 AM 51948 hithere 2009-7-15 11:27 PM
预览 今天SPX和VIX都涨了1%,那么历史上呢? 精华2  ...23 dividend_growth 2009-6-2 01:18 AM 544236 huer 2009-7-15 11:22 PM
预览 [灌水] 瞎扯 jsl 2009-7-15 10:32 PM 121282 GoldenSky 2009-7-15 11:22 PM
预览 [灌水] 今天的short position 亏了 GnGSystem 2009-7-15 10:52 PM 11589 GnGSystem 2009-7-15 11:11 PM
预览 NYSE Short Interest Ratio不是反指 精华2 dividend_growth 2009-7-10 08:14 PM 182605 SpringMountain 2009-7-15 10:30 PM
预览 [放炮] 坚持是熊市,50年不动摇  ...2 hithere 2009-7-15 02:22 PM 282215 hithere 2009-7-15 10:09 PM
预览 重读亚当·斯密:我们不需要新资本主义 (zt) 卜丁 2009-3-17 10:56 AM 3457 mary666 2009-7-15 10:06 PM
预览 [转贴] 给熊熊打打气:CIT: Government Support Unlikely 小亥 2009-7-15 09:30 PM 3457 mary666 2009-7-15 10:05 PM
预览 [技术分析] 7月15日 NaturalLaw 2009-7-15 05:33 AM 151859 xiaoxiaozhang 2009-7-15 09:34 PM
预览 [灌水] NYA -- almost perfect symmetry lazbug 2009-7-15 08:15 PM 2427 turbotornado 2009-7-15 09:21 PM
预览 07/15/2009 After Bell Quick Summary  ...2 Cobra 2009-7-15 05:00 PM 282202 ppteam 2009-7-15 08:41 PM
预览 夜盘杀跌小欧线 ppteam 2009-7-15 08:23 PM 0406 ppteam 2009-7-15 08:23 PM
预览 [灌水] QID short-term target frank 2009-7-5 10:46 PM 161210 dara 2009-7-15 07:29 PM
预览 [放炮] 可以DT空了 李隆基 2009-7-15 11:38 AM 4731 hyf 2009-7-15 07:13 PM
预览 My 2 cents: Jun 2008 and NOW aegiswu 2009-7-15 05:56 PM 2463 mary666 2009-7-15 06:49 PM
预览 小白股市预测 -- 2009年第28周  ...23 xiaobailong 2009-7-3 07:00 AM 592447 大牛Steve 2009-7-15 06:23 PM
预览 [讨论] 想buy dip,却老鼠拉龟,没处下手,郁闷 soulvirus 2009-7-15 02:45 PM 10872 colderdown 2009-7-15 05:06 PM
预览 [转贴] 07/15/2009白天灌水: 盘前:美股指数期货大幅攀升  ...23456..9 逍遥山人 2009-7-15 08:23 AM 16311721 CoolMax 2009-7-15 05:06 PM
预览 [讨论] MM, don't let it fall tomorrow aegiswu 2009-7-15 03:02 PM 6678 aegiswu 2009-7-15 04:47 PM
预览 CL暴涨啊  ...2 ppteam 2009-7-15 10:53 AM 312194 ppteam 2009-7-15 04:03 PM
预览 [原创] 哇!嚇结棍。。。  ...234 多吉 2009-7-14 03:32 PM 604806 多吉 2009-7-15 03:58 PM
预览 CMED: another round? aegiswu 2009-7-15 02:24 PM 2400 aegiswu 2009-7-15 03:19 PM
预览 How is FOMC Statement? buctusa 2009-7-15 12:58 PM 8525 kyshuishou 2009-7-15 03:17 PM
预览 盘后买入TZA 21.25 andy_68 2009-7-15 03:09 PM 3397 A1234 2009-7-15 03:16 PM
预览 MAD today yingying 2009-7-15 09:24 AM 10879 yingying 2009-7-15 03:08 PM
预览 伯南克的市场 QQQ? 2009-7-15 02:25 PM 0360 QQQ? 2009-7-15 02:25 PM
预览 a small warnning sign to bulls olderfrog 2009-7-14 01:01 PM 121998 yichen1985614 2009-7-15 02:14 PM
预览 如果下调,怎样才。。  ...2 jsl 2009-7-15 10:58 AM 281767 jsl 2009-7-15 02:10 PM
预览 [放炮] 熊套!巨大的熊套!  ...23 google 2009-7-15 10:43 AM 514222 whoami2k7 2009-7-15 02:09 PM
预览 [转贴] 为什么我不做day trade和短线 by goldman 妞妞 2009-7-14 05:01 PM 112267 aegiswu 2009-7-15 02:04 PM
预览 As I told you, this week market will rebound! fafa2008 2009-7-14 04:33 PM 41056 aegiswu 2009-7-15 02:01 PM
预览 股市涨,vix跟着涨 sinnet 2009-7-15 01:40 PM 0850 sinnet 2009-7-15 01:40 PM
预览 S&P dropping 35% to 600? 旅新 2009-7-15 12:32 PM 11023 mary666 2009-7-15 01:06 PM
预览 见风使舵 jsl 2009-7-15 09:48 AM 14669 jsl 2009-7-15 12:51 PM
预览 [讨论] Don't be fooled by OE week hithere 2009-7-15 09:53 AM 111278 markcoursey 2009-7-15 12:47 PM
预览 [转贴] Consumer inflation in June rises at fastest pace in 11 months happylux 2009-7-15 07:50 AM 5509 layschips 2009-7-15 12:23 PM
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