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wwwscopin的个人空间 http://hutong9.net/?3140 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]


已有 2004 人来访过





谷雨 2009-3-19 10:40 AM
sigh, under water 5 feet, but only a small proportion. I am sure I will win , just be patient.
wwwscopin 2009-3-15 04:11 PM
I have VIP and FSYS and No finance anymore. Because I have no clear direction of the market. If market is bullish, I would like to add some commodity and shipping for short swing. If it  pull back, I will buy some finance. If it moves sideway, I will tight my stop.
谷雨 2009-3-15 03:09 PM
wwwscopin: how many goats u got finally today?
Sigh, my goats ran away finally due to my busy Friday afternoon. Now only a little goat tail is still in my hand. Wish it will turn out a bull the next week. Do you have any plan to do this coming week, honey?
Good luck to you.
谷雨 2009-3-13 10:58 AM
wwwscopin: ready to get some goat?
2 goats already, xixi.
wwwscopin 2009-3-12 08:29 PM
I just bought some, and plan to hold for some time.
谷雨 2009-3-12 01:29 PM
Today I got one sheep only. How about you?
谷雨 2009-3-11 05:04 PM
wwwscopin : sold all in the morning. Confused by the market direction. one is just above the water, another one got a silver lamp. BY the way, what is 羊羊? Sho In DQ, a 羊 means about $250 profit. You are great, right , just sell (shoot) the stocks once there are some good profit. I am little concerned with this market too. So I used only 10-20% of my account to gamble. Sigh, it is really a gamble, neither trading nor investing. Good luck to you. ...
谷雨 2009-3-11 04:11 PM
wwwscopin: MM出货? 是好事还是坏事?我一直保留有小仓位的金融股。别的还没动手。不知道抄些什么才好
wwwscopin 2009-3-10 06:07 PM
where is the goodness? tell me.
谷雨 2009-3-10 09:00 AM
wwwscopin: MM出货? 是好事还是坏事?我一直保留有小仓位的金融股。别的还没动手。不知道抄些什么才好
谷雨 2009-3-9 01:26 PM
wwwscopin: 忙啥呢, 准备操底了?
wwwscopin 2009-3-6 04:25 PM
You are really big bull. Today's green before close is not good.
谷雨 2009-3-6 01:07 PM
wwwscopin: 忙啥呢, 准备操底了?
谷雨 2009-3-6 12:28 PM
wwwscopin: 忙啥呢, 准备操底了?
谷雨 2009-2-27 09:05 AM
wwwscopin : 我发现我不来这里看, 操作的还比较有成效。上次和你打赌的之后不多久, 我就被Wipeout 了。你还是不是还顽强的活着?可惜, 你没有说好赌注。 sigh, Sorry to hear your story. 我还是在股市里混着。不过,体会了很多从网上看不到的东西。现在交易次数少了,心境好很多。感觉开始慢慢悟到市场的本性。希望你能从新站起来,等你恢复元气,咱们再打一回赌。只要你我能在这波风暴中幸存下来,就会是赢家。 ... ...
谷雨 2009-2-22 02:20 PM


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