发表于 2010-10-1 12:26 PM
本帖最后由 bokchoy888 于 2010-10-1 14:47 编辑
Shoujie, thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Maybe, I didn't ask precisely.
Ok, here is the common senario, one working family, 2 couples , 2 kids. All strong belivers all their lifes.
Now, here comes my question, if the husband is killed by car accident today ( or an earth quake, like the one in 汶川),
1. Is it good for the husband? According to the religion, I think it is good for him as the God has choosen him to move on to the better place because the earth life is nothing comparing to the heaven?
2. About "orginally planned schedule", what I mean is, obviously a loving husband and father is not ready to abbandon his family and kids. But, that leads me to wonder what happens after the car accident, when this husband's soul meets his after life. Would he be regret, happy, or totally forget his earth life. Again, based on the theory of the religion, my understanding is he should at least be totally happy and peaful?
3. As for the wife and the kids, what happens to them, except from the obvious sorrow, should they consider this is a best situation that the God grants to the husband and be very happy about it? And, most of all, should they consider it is a test or 考验 from the God because the God decided to pick them to be the ones to lose the loving husband/father and go through this 考验?
4. Last question, as a beliver, do you consider the ones died at 汶川 have already been chosen by the God or has nothing to do with the God, just a random event? |