本帖最后由 AGA7d 于 2010-8-15 00:47 编辑
历年WMT的股票数(DILUTED, 百万股)
2010-04 3,781
2010-01 3,820
2009-07 3,900
2009-04 3,930
2008-07 3,958
2007-07 4,108
2006-07 4,172
2005-07 4,180
2004-07 4,272
2003-07 4,388
2002-07 4,452
2001-07 4,486
2000-07 4,488
Current Yahoo (may be a bit outdated)
% of Shares Held by All Insider and 5% Owners: 46%
% of Shares Held by Institutional & Mutual Fund Owners: 36%
% of Float Held by Institutional & Mutual Fund Owners: 66%
Current Nasdaq:
% of Shares Held by Institutional & Mutual Fund Owners: 34%
or 1257(inst. holding)/3781(total)=33%
Based on the WMT news release, the exact amount spent on share repurchase needs to be deciphered.
In 2009-06-04 release,
"During the last five years, Wal-Mart has repurchased approximately $21 billion worth of its shares."
Appears to be spending during 2004-2009, share count is down 372 mln. The stock options/grants
may total 10-15 mln shares each quarter, each year it is about 50 mln shares. It seems there is a
problem here, but I think the dilution is mostly stock options so the actual cost to buy back the dilution
may be $10/share, making the actual dilution around 10 mln shares/yr.
In 2010-06-04 release,
"During the past three years, our commitment to share repurchase was reflected in the company
buying $18.5 billion of shares", also in quarter ended 2010-04, "our $3 billion purchase representing
55.6 million shares, was a record for Walmart"
During 2000-2004 period, I have not found WMT disclose details in share repurchase. But during the
period, the share count dipped from 4488 to 4272, about 216 mln shares. I don't have the stock
option/grant information, so assume a 30 mln dilution and a $52 average purchase price, the total
amount would be $12.8 bln.
In summary, WMT has paid about $42 bln over the 10 yr period, reducing the total share count by
~700 mln shares. The assumption is that the dilution costs ~ $500 mln/yr. From 2009-04 to 2010-04,
WMT spent ~$8 bln on ~160 mln shares. |