honestly I am trying to read the article (read through all), but it is very hard to understand. especially he is jumping around a lot. May be I am not deep enough to understand what he is saying. And lots of places he only say half of the sentence.
basicly he is saying that US $ will go up, china, europe and jap will all go down and US defence will be a good buy.
one thing I do not understand is this: "刘军洛:我从来不看电脑,每半个月我的夫人从各种网站上将资料打给我,打出来的内容非常多,然后通过这些资料进行分析。网站上的各种信息、新闻都打出来,现在,写得好的博客非常多。,大家可以找比较好的,比如说介绍日本、印度、韩国经济、俄罗斯经济、沙特等等都可以去看,实在找不到答案就去找朋友问,就是这样的过程。"
basicly he is reading whatever his wife feed him. so he is gathering and filtering from all these 小道消息 and "make up"? all the conclusions? I wounder?
any how, thanks for the posting |