问题在于最近参众两院谈判正在向不利于既得利益集团方向发展,虽然mandatory public option不可行,但是state opt-out option 和 co-op 极有机会被通过。先用Nevada re-election poll number 来威胁Harry Reid, 但效果不佳。在最后两周,民主党后台老板与麻省establishment在幕后搞鬼,让Coakley从领先20%到最后竟然输掉5%。Boston民主党大票仓投票率极低。现在民主党面临两个选择:放弃医疗改革(WORST),或者通过参院version(WORSE)。反正保险公司是赢定了。Coakley loss was an inside job!
"There is simply no justification anywhere in The Constitution, nor can one be manufactured, to force someone under pain of federal fine and/or imprisonment to purchase something from a private party simply as a consequence of being alive."
This will leads to lawsuit and finally the "single payer system" will be adopted.