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脑癌率狂增 元凶是手机?

发表于 2008-1-16 08:00 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

近30年来,我国城市男性脑癌发病率狂增100%,女性增加50%,这可能与近年来手机的频繁使用有关,手机可能成为脑肿瘤增加的另一重要杀手。” 以上海为例,根据近30年的数据显示,男性脑肿瘤的发病率增加了100%,而女性也增加了50%。而这30年来,特别是近20年,正是手机这一通讯工具进入我国并逐渐普及化的时期。使用手机时电磁波可以进入大脑的说法已是无可辩驳的事实,因为使用手机时,人体成了天线的一部分。 有专家指出,在北京、广州等地方,城市居民脑肿瘤发病率的增加近年来比农村明显要高,且发病率增加与上海相近,这与城市的环境污染与手机污染不无关系。 前不久,瑞典国家工作生命研究院对905名恶性脑肿瘤患者的手机使用模式进行研究后指出,在这批年龄由20岁至80岁的病人中,85人是手机常用者。而早在20岁前已开始使用手机或无线电话的病人,更是患病高危人群。该项研究亦发现,常使用手机的头部一边,患脑肿瘤的几率比另一边更高。常在头部一侧使用手机超过2000小时的人患恶性脑肿瘤的风险将提高2.4倍。
发表于 2008-1-17 03:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
May 17, 2005 A Swedish study finds that users of digital phones in rural areas may be at greater risk of brain cancer. Its authors say the link is troubling, although they acknowledge that the amount of data is small and wider research is needed to amplify the findings. Other research have been done during the past 12 years. The results are the following: * The brain cancer patients didn't report more cell phone use than the subjects who were free of brain cancer. In fact, for reasons that remain unclear, most of the studies showed a tendency toward lower risk of brain cancer among cellular phone users. * When different types of brain cancer were considered, none were consistently associated with cell phone use. * When specific locations of tumors within the brain were considered, no associations with cell phone use were found. * None of the studies showed a clear link between the side of the head on which the brain cancer occurred and the side on which the cellular phone was used.
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