本帖最后由 austinjoe 于 2016-1-29 10:02 PM 编辑
High level 中枢 above SPX 2000 as last week chart -- SPX 2016-01-09 post:
Day zone 1993.2 [2041.9, 2082.9] 2104.3. Purple box on chart.
30F zone 1993.2 [2003.9, 2068.5] 2082.9, green box on the chart.
Using 同级别分解, SPX has made another 4 1F 走势, 18 / 19 / 20 / 21, the 4th one drop from 21 SPX 1934.8 has not finished yet, but it does have a new 1F 中枢 1868.6 [1873.0, 1881.5] 1889.5, SPX swing around this 1F 中枢, 1981.5 -> 1857.5 -> 1876.5 -> 1867.0 -> close @ 1880.2 and the 4th 1F线段 has not ended yet.
5F zone there are 2 options:
1> Late 01-08-2015 till middle of 01-12-2015 ==> new 5F 中枢 1901 [1913.4, 1926.5] 1947.7 as updated 01-12-2016.
2> From 01-07-2016 low 1938.70 till 01-11-2016 noon 1926.5 ==> new 5F 中枢 1913.4 [1933.20, 1936.7] 1961.0, the good point using this 5F zone is that there are 6 1F 走势 swing around this 5F 中枢 which would form a new 30F 中枢 1879.2 [1913.4, 1947.7] 1961.0 on todays chart. The drop from 12-29-2015 SPX 2080 to 1940 is one 中枢 5F走势, then the drop from 01-14-2016 (blue 21 point) SPX 1934.8 requires BEAR to hit under 1794.8 before it grow to 5F level, right now it's only 1 中枢 1F走势 and wait the 3rd buy/sell on 1F zone [1873.0, 1881.5].
For BULL, it needs to make a 3rd buy on 1F zone [1873.0, 1881.5] first to make Friday low 1857.5 as blue 22, to start 1F up 走势. It needs to make HH and HL on following 1F 走势 to keep bounce up alive. The resist above is 1901 and 1913/1914 to surpass. The most challenge task is to work against 5F 盘整背驰 as the 1F down 走势 from 17-18 is 3 中枢 1F 趋势背驰, made 120 points drop on SPX, which is the main cause on SPX Wed drop and Friday drop. Because this 5F 盘整背驰 keep working, as long as SPX 1F up 走势 shows 1F 盘整背驰, SPX will drop big.
For BEAR, it needs to make 3rd sell on 1F zone [1873.0, 1881.5] to keep 1F down trend. It also needs to work against the 5F 盘整背驰 on SPX 120 points drop from 17-18, it has to drop bellow 1934.8 - 120 = 1814.8 by end of next Thursday; plus it has to against 30F 盘整背驰 on 1879.2 [1913.4, 1947.7] 1961.0 as well, it needs drop bellow 1794.8 by end of 01-25-2016 once it grow to 5F 走势. |