当然了,2096肯定是支持不住的,于是,终于,我们要和2085支撑区见面了。这是老朋友见面,分外亲热!可惜,我正在外出,看到2098左右,就匆忙提醒大家:补充内容 (2015-3-4 09:49 AM): 自己看着办。小心。因为这几天一直强调2085,所以,跟帖的人都知道我的暗示是什么意思,就是等待2085左右然后,试一试。性急的可以2089-88就试一试,不过,STOP要紧一点。果然,2085.25到了,可惜,我在开车,无法操作。等我停稳了车,才知道2085.25已经测过。补充内容 (2015-3-4 10:30 AM): Did you? 2085是强阻力区,值得一试了。后来,大概在10点50左右,偶然的机会我买了2088,补充内容 (2015-3-4 12:19 PM): I am out at 98.25. from 2088 around 10:50am. because I am outside, I don't even have chance to get my target 2085-96.当然后来ES拉升到2099左右,但我不贪恋,已经在2098.25出去。
MM一路拉升得又快又急,我觉得不好:补充内容 (2015-3-4 12:57 PM): 我想这样快速拉升对牛牛不好。希望回測一下才好。为啥?主要是SPX图形难看。这是很熊的表现,是MM在跑shortSTOPS。话音刚落不久,ES就从2099跌到2092左右。但只要2091-92支持住,就还有戏。如果支持不住,则回测2085支撑区的可能性很大,甚至到2078-80.补充内容 (2015-3-4 01:58 PM): hope 91-92 could hold it, otherwise, we may possible to see the low end of 2085 support zone around 2078-80.
纵观今天,和昨天预测的差不多,跌,然后跌到2085区,后得到支持,再拉升到2098-99,最后在2097左右停止。 目前,模型看跌,盘感觉得明天先跌后涨。ES今夜或明晨有可能回测2085区,甚至2078-79都有可能。明日MM再拉升。慢慢的,如果2085区提供支持,短期还是看牛的,中期盘感看跌,应该短期内还有一涨再调整。由于本人功力有限,猜错是难免的,特别是最近一直比较准,概率上来说,很有可能有一次反指。自弹自唱,权当娱乐啦!
1月盈亏:+203.5(以一个仓位$50/点, $10,175.00) (1月盈亏详细记录)
2月盈亏: +148.50(以一个仓位$50/点, $7,425.00) (2月盈亏详细记录)
3月盈亏:+8 (以一个仓位$50/点, $400.00)
1.多仓2108 补充内容 (2015-3-2 10:06 AM): Long 2108, SL 2106 no confidence. 清仓:2108 补充内容 (2015-3-2 12:37 PM): I was kicked out at 2108 already. just wrote down here as record. 0
2.多仓 2103.25 补充内容 (2015-3-3 11:07 AM): Long 2103.25. 清仓:2101补充内容 (2015-3-3 12:28 PM):看来2085区域是目标。我没有办法扛住,所以早就跑了。2101跑了。因为今天事情多,根本不应该做。-2.25
3.多仓 2088 清仓 2098.25 补充内容 (2015-3-4 12:19 PM): I am out at 98.25. from 2088 around 10:50am. because I am outside, I don't even have chance to get my target 2085-96. +10.25
补充内容 (2015-3-4 11:03 PM):
补充内容 (2015-3-5 07:44 AM):
补充内容 (2015-3-5 10:37 AM):
today re-test 2097-98 area is pretty bullish, but still did not reach 2106 yet. above 2106 will turn model into bullish mood.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 10:39 AM):
trader should remember those levels: 2085, 2095 and 2106. in between you can short or go long, but beyond 2106, LONG is the way.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 10:40 AM):
So far 2085 and 2095 is support well. Will find entry position around those level.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 11:18 AM):
I am waiting and watching.re-test 2097 again...mmm...
补充内容 (2015-3-5 11:20 AM):
I am not in hurry, i think it is possible to re-test 208x is coming...but who knows.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 12:14 PM):
无聊, 5点之间徘徊。
补充内容 (2015-3-5 12:30 PM):
Long 97.75, try.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 12:56 PM):
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:12 PM):
Still bullish, but I want ES go down to 2081 area FIRST then come back up is better for bulls.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:22 PM):
out 95.75.don't like the market action so far/
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:46 PM):
long 2097. last try today.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:47 PM):
still bearish actually...need re-test.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:48 PM):
market is too slow...really don't like.
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:53 PM):
补充内容 (2015-3-5 01:59 PM):
不行就撤离了。97。 |