结果版主不知是因为咱水平太差还是因为咱吵得太过份把吵版版主都给吵烦了,半夜三更直接就给咱 ID封了。原打算在这交流交流炒股体会,没想到这胡同比股市风险还大。咱怎能想到吵版版主又不喜争论昵?
封ID前一贴"二个要突破小股"提醒ECIG($0.05)和WYY($1.50) 要突破. So far, WYY up 10-15% and ECIG up 180-200%. 
ECIG close to my target ($0.20), short term hard to say, long term still undervalued. 近期关注财报和RS决定。
WYY,cybersecurity stock, 最大看点CoD.大户在$1.4-1.5建了仓。2013 up 500%, 2014 consolidated whole year, 2015 repeat 2013?(my wish).follow this stock many years. 最近国安部可能关门对股票压力。
AMMX,天灾人祸。ISIS attacked the country . 多方会谈delay. marketCap around 2-3 million. 若200-300 million deal 成了,up300-500% easy. 
pro, 公司国内业务已(近)profitable, not much down side, con, trading volume Too low.
MIFI,在连涨五天时 提到。long story short, new CEO new hope. Chart shows higher high,higher low.  长期看好。
现在看好cybersecurity sector. 同时研究大麻股。大麻合法化sooner or later. 想像一下毒品和香烟市场有多大?!现在上百个小股其中必有几个会成明星或被收购. Either way, we are talking about huge potential return here.
就止打住。顺祝发财 |