xiaobai mm: I found one thing in HT, most of people who live in U.S are supporting this bailout, on the other hand, most of people live out of U.S are bashing this action. Very interesting.
I believe if one longs, one supports it, if one shorts, one bashs it. For small investors like u and me, longs always > shorts. mitbbs seems to have a lot of guys losing money in last couple of days.
原帖由 4qw 于 2008-9-21 17:50 发表
I believe if one longs, one supports it, if one shorts, one bashs it. For small investors like u and me, longs always > shorts. mitbbs seems to have a lot of guys losing money in last couple of d ...
u are a happy playing girl. I knew. But if you were me, who put 15 yrs hard working earned $$ in market and longed market, I think u would agree with me, do u?
原帖由 4qw 于 2008-9-21 17:57 发表
u are a happy playing girl. I knew. But if you were me, who put 15 yrs hard working earned $$ in market and longed market, I think u would agree with me, do u?
如果真有效,我当然支持。美国经济好了,我们的工作就更保险一些,不会失业。而美国纳税人的钱,反正不用我来交。从理论上来看,这种bailout如果work out 很好,达到预期效果的话,对我只能有好处,不会有害处。但是,怎么让我相信它能达到效果呢?怎么能保证Paulson和花街不会制造出更大的窟窿来呢? 我们宁愿像日本失去的十年一样,温水煮青蛙慢慢捱,而不愿意长痛不如短痛,从根源上解决问题吗?