就像6-th昨天说得,早盘借unemployment claim data上冲,可惜好景不长。在1440第二次反弹以后没能出新高,然后果断下破。中午的时候回测1440失败,这也是比较安全的intraday short entry。收盘时又回到了1430支撑区。估计下破1430是迟早的事情。50MA现在在1427,离1430太近了,基本上构不成支撑。再向下就很难找到支撑了。走一步看一步吧。
I was wandering why I got more than 1万 积分 today and found out Diffusion 老大 give me lots HB recently. But I did not figure out that you put the nail in last night. Many thanks for your making the final kick to raise me to 老股民, Appreciated!