发表于 2012-6-20 10:18 AM
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actually, that's why I like to hear what you think. The systems I am dealing with could be very complicated, which I have no problems to dig into. Even though history or culture is not my study field, I see no evidence that it's more complex than sicentific disciplines unless you say it does not follow logic.
What I have learned in my work is to aim the goal, grab key line,and then treat the system as simple as you could, only from which a reasonable solution could be achieved. Most times, the way to judge the quality of a work is by simplicity rather than complexity.
If you find it's difficult to put down in words, your thought is probably not mature yet. That's absolutely fine. However, I look forwar to a look, even just on a single topic.
Those great thinker and philosophers were able to condense their thinkings into words. I can't understand why you can't. It appears I never saw a single complete piece of your writing on this forum, except for scarstic criticism in a couple of sentences. Please post a link if you have already done one.
Maybe you have read more history/culture/philosophy master books than I did. However, that doesn't natrually give a man more sophisticated or privileged thinking or logic. Remember a lot of great philosophers are actually from scientific fields.
I am always open to learn, so do a lot of guys here I believe. Oral fights lead to nothing.
I guess you firmly believe you have been beyond the restrictions of states/nations or civilizations, and viewing the world from the standpoint of the entire human being. Then, what you see is the advanced systems and values of the West, and in contrast the pathetic situation and even history of the culture where you come from. Maybe you feel you are very fair. However, I think you have fallen into your own thinking hole, and been pre-occupied with prejudice.