发表于 2012-5-22 06:03 PM
morning 发表于 2012-5-22 16:50 
说的不错。 有时候看,如果按以前“活着”的定义:有一口饭吃就行,那现在大概真的是党国所说的“盛世”了 ...
Judging from what you said, I assume you think there is a population base ripe for the democratic uprising in China. So, why there is no one doing it? Why there is no one stands up and sacrifice him/herself, so his/her blood can wake up the mass. To the minim, you would agree, there should to be a movement no smaller than the 89's.
Whatever the wishes you have, freedom of speech, Arab spring, Soviet style collapsing, commis or no commis, just stick to the reality and use one and only this one as a reliable measure, our dear neighbor India, world's largest democracy. So, the undeniable fact is China is much better no matter you compare vertically or horizontally in the past 30 years.
BTW, Manchu and Mongols had both ruled Chinese, so yes, Chinese can't be easily ruled with iron fists and force, not forever but 100 years so be no problem.