This is a Fidelity NetBenefits® account investment option that is available through some employers' plans.
The availability of Fidelity NetBenefits and the options and services available to you depend on the specific features of your employer's plan.
If your NetBenefits account has the BrokerageLink investment option and you use it, a linked brokerage account maintained with Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC is funded with money from your NetBenefits account. From this linked brokerage account, you can buy a variety of securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, mutual funds) depending on the type of plan and the plan provisions.
The BrokerageLink value that is displayed on the NetBenefits Account Balances screen is the market value of the linked brokerage account as of the date displayed.
Note:On the Portfolio screen, a BrokerageLink account is listed separately from a NetBenefits account with which it is linked and is displayed as a non-prototype (NONP) brokerage account.