3)紧接着的经文,of these 肯定不是原文。但是俺以为是从上面的"类"中具体某种昆虫(俺不认为那时有这个词),跟"四足"没有直接联系。因为前面是说类别的统称,后面是具体的昆虫。再后面还有说到其它的动物。
The foot is an anatomical structure found in many vertebrates. It is the terminal portion of a limb which bears weight and allows locomotion. In many animals with feet, the foot is a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg made up of one or more segments or bones, generally including claws or nails.
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
所以,1.中文圣经中出现过“昆虫”一词。2.中文昆虫对应英文“all the creatures that move along the ground"翻译明显欠妥。