发表于 2011-3-10 05:15 PM
回复 55# Simpletrader
I don't interpret wrongly at least for this verse, because the entire verse is short, simple, straightforward and crystal clear.
Sinned, based on Christian belief all human have sins. Checked.
Without law, all our Chinese people's ancestors qualified.
The verse doesn't mention Jews or gentiles, indeed it says 'as many as' to emphasize applicable to all people with no exception.
So basically it's saying all sinned without law including all your Chinese peoples' ancestors shall go to hell directly on the judgment day, needless for any trial.
As a non-believer my response to this is BULLSHIT AND FUCK YUORSELF!
But for your believer, to say the least you are in trouble because this is your Holy Bible and you have to accept whatever it says and means, wholeheartedly!!! What a pity. |