I do not care whatever political views you have, but you must admit you are a member of Chinese family while talking about China. Otherwise, you better be silent.
"毛先生靠苏联,蒋先生靠英美"的区别已经被历史证明,无须辩解。蒋为美国人开青岛海军基地,2万7美国大兵携 ...
anne 发表于 2010-10-11 10:59
What's your definition of "汉奸"? Those against the communist totalitarian government?
A modern China will always be a "proxy" unless she is isolated from the world. So called "proxy" is such a political term to undermine your opponents. We may be able to decide on our best interest whether being a proxy is more beneficial or detrimental, but we can't stop kissing asses. This is just life, not matter who we are, 毛 or 蒋.