So that's pretty much of it. I will give up any more efforts on this topic. But honestly, I really do not want to make old HT's feel very uncomfortable. I came here just with a high hope to learn something. Although it may seems a hype based on how many posts I have just to praise MGB, I sincerely do not want MGB to be idolized.
MGB老大敢在1218 Long 30 hand , 不是一般的高手,俺只是不明白他因该在股文观止那个油水大,又拉风的舞台上活动,发言。咋就闯进俺这帮老学究的门可罗雀的小屋呢?虽然俺感觉像红卫兵进驻,不过俺特此证明红卫兵对俺们挺好的,只是说话嗓门大,而且好像是做ST的,那是大买卖呀。俺曾经以为自己进错办公室呢,可是到门外一看,牌子明明还是“DT研究室”。