发表于 2011-9-23 12:30 PM
本帖最后由 bayliner1979 于 2011-9-23 13:40 编辑
ppteam 发表于 2011-9-23 13:23
回复 bayliner1979 的帖子
no, I don't believe this MM theory.
It depends on how do you define "MM".
To me, MM = Market Movers.
They have money to move the stock price within certain limits.
Perhaps you are looking for a god who have infinite money to move the stock price to heaven or to hell. Yes, that kind of god MM doesn't exist. But MM who can move the stock price within certain limits do exist.
It is like a war. Big MMs are the ones who own 航空母舰。 Middle MMs are the ones who own 驱逐舰。散户 are the ones who own 小舢板。Sometimes even 航空母舰 will be shot down to hell, but 99.99999999% chance 小舢板 will go to hell facing 航空母舰。 Believe it or not.
BTW, we are talking about 股价异常波动的原因。
For 长线 mutual fund type investors,they are the reasons why the stock market is eventually a bull market over a very long period. Buffet falls in this category. It is different face of the stock market. You focus on this long term face to deny the market moving face. It is ridiculous. Man, they are orthogonal to each other. Buffet and Wall street traders are different types of animals. How can you deny the existence of wall street traders by presenting Buffet?