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Poor in suburbs up 47%

发表于 2010-1-21 01:32 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

January 21, 2010

Chicago area suburbs saw a 47 percent spike in the number of poor, and the nation's suburbs were home to the largest and fastest-growing poor population in the country from 2000 to 2008.

That's according to a new Brookings Institution report that showed a 15.4 percent jump in the nation's poor as 5.2 million more people were added to the poverty rolls in a decade hit by two recessions.

The number of poor people in the suburbs of the country's largest metropolitan areas grew 25 percent, almost five times faster than in primary cities, the report found.

The rise of the number of poor in suburban communities was linked to the recession, the fact that the population as a whole is growing at a faster rate in suburban communities and the availability of affordable housing options in those areas.

The number of poor living in Chicago, Naperville and Joliet edged up a statistically insignificant 1 percent to more than 578,000. But in their surrounding suburban communities, the number jumped nearly 172,000 to more than 535,000, a 47 percent increase. Cook, Lake and Kane counties had the largest increase in the number of poor.

Over the period, the share of the Chicago, Naperville and Joliet area's poor living in the suburbs rose from 38.9 percent to 48.1 percent -- the fourth-highest percentage point rise nationally among the nation's 95 largest metro areas. Poverty rates also rose nationally and across community types.

The report points to the need for more of a regional approach to addressing poverty, co-author Elizabeth Kneebone said.

"We need to make sure that we're coordinating the existing services to meet the continuing city challenges as well as the growing need in the suburbs," she said. "What we don't want to see is new pockets of poverty and concentrations forming in areas where there's not sufficient services to help alleviate that poverty."

Affordable housing, transit and work-force and economic development strategies must help connect the low-income in cities and suburbs to job opportunities, she said.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 01:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
pd wrote:
BLACKWISEMAN: Newsflash...being white is better than being black no matter where you are on a social scale. I'm sorry to tell you that making anti white jokes doesn't phase whites- just a sour black b!tching. Who cares really. As to why the suburbs are turning poor IT'S BECAUSE THE SUBURBS WERE FIRST CREATED SO AFFLUENT PEOPLE COULD GET OUT OF THE CITY GHETTO AND NOW ALL THE LAZY, STUPID MINORITIES ARE MOVING OUT OF THE CITY THEY RUINED ONTO ANOTHER AREA THEY CAN TRASH. Sick.
1/21/2010 10:42 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  blackwiseman wrote:
And I bet these are the same idiots fighting against Healthcare! The stupid, unemployed Ford assembly worker fighting against his/her best interest. No wonder the middleclass white folks can't stand Poor White trash. There dumb as h-e-l-l. Guns and Religion! Lol or the stupid statement," I want my country back"! Duhhhh! You never had a country a-hole! These yellow teeth Meth heads are pathetic. They never faced Jim Crow, segregation, slavery, Institutional racism, but they failed in life's pleasures. That's a d-a-m shame. Fking losers! Poor White people are looked over by God! They s-u-c-k!
1/21/2010 10:33 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  misskem wrote:

1. Like I said before you do not have to be a criminal or a drug abuser, just because you are poor. If you are not born with a silver sppon in your mouth, then it's not likely that you will have the means to get a silver spoon in the future. Those occurences are few and far between. So just because a person receives public assistance, does not mean they should be degraded by having to pee in a cup to satify some right wing nuts pyschophrenic mind.

2. Illegals have been coming across the board forever. It is impossible to stop them all. Instead of trying to stop them, maybe we should allow the across daily to work and make them pay taxes on income earned in the U.S. because the reality is...they will never stop.

3.Employing and illegal immigrant is already illegal and employers have to pay a hefty fine. Which is sufficent...I'd rather an employer pay a fine, then pay even more of my taxes to house them in jails which are already overcrowded and depleting tax payer dollars.

4.Those receiving cash public assistance do have to work. You can not receive financial support if you do not maintain some type of employment. Link (vouchers for food) are given without employment, but letting innocent children starve would not be the answer. Daycare, section 8,cash incentives are only given to those who wrok at least part time and they usually have to pay co-pays for services.

5.You can not tell anyone how to vote. PERIOD!!!

1/21/2010 10:30 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  andy72 wrote:
Everyone here is an expert (sarcmark)
1/21/2010 10:24 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  antiseptic wrote:
typo: population
1/21/2010 10:16 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  antiseptic wrote:
dibs wrote:
"...do you think for one second that when the population of poor comes knocking to get what there owed"
And what exactly are the popultion of the poor "owed"???

Nobody anywhere owes you anything.
1/21/2010 10:15 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
Meth lab distributors ... please stay in the suburbs! We don't want your kind in the City.
1/21/2010 10:10 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
You can't get your country back unless you move out of the United States.

This country beyonded to the Native Americans.

Goof balls!

1/21/2010 10:09 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
Goof balls ... nobody's flocking to the suburbs. Do you even know or see your neighbors???

1/21/2010 10:09 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  conservativemind wrote:
This is a problem that will continue to grow until we the people take our country back. The Dem's agenda is to make everyone poor so we are all reliant on the government for all our needs. Once we are totally reliant on the government then they have complete and total control of our lives.
This is the richest and most giving country in the history of man but we have now created a permanent underclass of people who feel they are entitled to what ever anyone else has without working for it and this is not a racial issue this touches and is abused by people of all colors.
I can't tell you how angry I get when I see a person take a cah advance on a LINK card and purchase alcohol,smokes and the best one I have seen is going to the riverboat to gamble with piblic assistance money.
A few ideas to fix the problem.
1. Make all people receiving government assistance for food housing and utilies take and pass a monthly drug test. We the tax payers should not be supporting drug abusers.

2. Secure our southern border and enpower the police to deport illegal immigrants.

3. Make mandatory jail sentences for any employer who is caught employing an illegal immigrant.

4. Put those receiving government assistace to work on public projects such as cleaning trash from the highways, painting and such. Give them a sense of resposibilty and the dignity they deserve buy working and earning what is provided to them.
5. At the next election actually go to your designated polling place and vote for anybody but the incumbent candidate. Forget political party and vote the incumbent out. This is the only true message we can send to the state and Washington that we are in control not them and that we have had enough.

I know there will be some left wing critisism of these ideas and thats fine. I would never not want to provide for truly indigent people but this gravy train must stop sometime or we are all in trouble.
1/21/2010 10:05 AM CST on suburbanchicagonews.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 01:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
intense-dakota wrote:
let see here. Crack heads and dope dealers have babies, they use the babies for leverage to get free housing, food and other money, without having a job. They sell the drugs for cash, which they turn into fancy cars, clothes and other unneeded stuff, and then continue to live for free. They move to the suburbs becuase they get more for free (than if they lived in chicago). So, now we have dope dealers making more money they any of us will probably make while living for free off of our tax dollars. Why wouldnt anyone want to live like that???

Stop giving hand outs to ever minority, trailer trash and illegal immigrant and start making them work for what they get.. I bet the "POOR" population will go away. However, as long as the city/state/federal governement gives hand outs, there is no incentive for the lazy a-holes to get a job.

On a second thought start drug testing these idiots and start doing unannounced visits to their section 8 housing and see how many of them all the sudden "don't need help" anymore.
1/21/2010 9:39 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
Clean up your suburbs and please do not flock to the city. We don't want your troubles.

1/21/2010 9:24 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
Really miller!

Did I stutter???

1/21/2010 9:23 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  misskem wrote:
dibs wrote:
nothing but mental midgets here!

1/21/2010 9:12 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  farley wrote:
But millions go to Haiti.
1/21/2010 8:49 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  dibs wrote:
nothing but mental midgets here!
1/21/2010 8:36 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  miller wrote:
Immigration does not care about illegal immigrants. I reported an illegal immigrant from Mielec, Poland named Barbara (Basia) Belejec who is working illegally at Pete & Mary's Lounge on 63rd Street and Mayfield in Chicago & and they (immigration) still has not deported her from this country.
Despite the numerous phone calls to immigration!
1/21/2010 8:34 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  asspecktratio wrote:
are border is a sive. If we take on impoveshed MEXICANS. then the poor increases. Not not being racist, it is the AMERICAN BORDER THAT IS under attack.
We are giving benefits to non citizens and the african americans can not compete for jobs with mexicans. this is a lose lose situation.
1/21/2010 8:23 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  miller wrote:
Are you REALLY as dumb as you sound in your comments??? Really???
Since Mayor Daley has torn down the CHA projects and gave everyone a housing voucher the poor has flocked to the South Suburbs. And when Mayor Daley raised the taxes in Chicago to 10.5% the poor flocked even more to the South Suburbs. What were once considered nice neighborhoods, are now horrible! They now contain the Chicago hood rats, hypes & thugs that migrated to the South Suburbs! What Mayor Daley doesn't like, he tears down (ie... CHA Housing, Meigs Field). What's next Mayor Daley?!
lyn_soldier_of_love, you leave the meth alone and go back inside your trailer you illiterate piece of excrement!
1/21/2010 8:22 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  asspecktratio wrote:

DALEY Tore down all the projects and moved em all out to the burbs. THE GREY MASS BEHIND your eyes is called a brain.... USE IT!
How are readers smarter than those reporting the news. Don't repeat report findings, report why! This town is rude enough to its taxpayers with out you dumbing down how we got hosed.
1/21/2010 8:21 AM CST on suntimes.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 01:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
asspecktratio wrote:

DALEY Tore down all the projects and moved em all out to the burbs. THE GREY MASS BEHIND your eyes is called a brain.... USE IT!
How are readers smarter than those reporting the news. Don't repeat report findings, report why! This town is rude enough to its taxpayers with out you dumbing down how we got hosed.
1/21/2010 8:21 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  diop wrote:
An overflow in the hispanic population coupled with their absolute aversion to education will lead to an increase in the poor. It's pretty easy to see.
1/21/2010 8:16 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lithoman wrote:
No surprise here. BO's failed economic policies will create more poor people across the board. BO's failed economic policies continues to create more unemployed. The lack of economic growth makes us all poorer. BO continues to run this country without an economic plan to get us all out this mess.

On another note. Mayor Dailey realized that the residence of public housing pay no taxes. The consume a lot of services. So why not tear down public housing and give poor people vouchers to go away. Hopefully they will leave the city. Many did and the others went to city neighborhoods. The land where public housing once stood is now paying taxes. The people who live there consume almost zero city services. At the end of the day it's all about the money for the machine.
1/21/2010 8:14 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  dibs wrote:
Creating two classes of people,which is exactly what's going on right now is a recipe for certain collapse. All those folks living high of the hog, bootlicking your way to the top. Hey congrats to you! You serve your master well, but do you think for one second that when the population of poor comes knocking to get what there owed, that anyone is gonna protect you? Nope! Do you really think you'll be safe taking your kids shopping, or slurping down Starbucks dung coffee? Again, nope! In case your wondering how this will happen, it's simple. The towns, and villages are going broke, and once budget crisis reach epic proportions, like Phoenix, AZ where they're planning on getting rid of 15% of the cops, to start! Then it's gets worse from there, cause chaos, and anarchy are contagious, especially when people have nothing to lose. So continue on living in your fake dreamworld that you've created, keep pretending things are okay, I can't wait to see rich whitey fall, and I'm white. Sell out your neighbor for a few bucks, it's all good until there raping your wife, and eating your children. I'll bet you feel a lot of love for your slave master then. Won't you! I've got my list of who's getting it first. Do you got your?
1/21/2010 8:13 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  chicago paul wrote:
Daley just tore down the CHA projects and gave everyone a housing voucher.

So he gets to keep all the state aid from Springfield and the poor flood to the south suburbs and into the suburban public school systems.

And you wonder why the standardized test scores at these schools keep dropping?
1/21/2010 8:05 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  olives wrote:
Keep up the good work Obama. We do have change. Now we're ALL miserable.
1/21/2010 7:56 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  bob1stshirt wrote:
The poor in suburban areas increased significantly and the story indicates that the increase occurred in areas around Chicago, Naperville, and Joliet. I didn't know Naperville had suburbs. I thought Naperville was a suburb.

As for Lyn making racists look even stupider... the only thing made to look stupid by Lyn's comments would be... Lyn. Sheesh, and if her comments aren't racist someone needs to redefine racism.
1/21/2010 7:51 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  suga wrote:
lyn, you make racists look even stupider. Keep up the good work!!!!
1/21/2010 7:01 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  cracked wrote:
Hey maybe at this point it might be a good idea to stop worrying about this health care package and worry about the major problem.. THE ECONOMY!!! Worry about creating jobs and giving loans out. Worry about giving the states the money that you owe them and stop giving that money to feed this war and other countries!!
1/21/2010 6:59 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  lyn_soldier_of_love wrote:
Nobody's flocking to move to the suburbs from the city. Leave the meth alone and go back inside your trailer you trash.

1/21/2010 5:58 AM CST on suntimes.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 02:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
Latino population growth in the suburbs

We won’t know all of the specifics till after the Census is completed, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone to hear that the suburbs are changing in the same ways that the rest of the state and the country are.
In March, millions of census forms will be delivered to residences in the U.S. and Puerto Rico to count the U.S. population. The portrait of America that emerges will certainly show more diversity since 2000. But that diversity won’t be limited to big cities or populous counties.
The number of Hispanics in Montgomery County, where Conroe is the county seat, grew by 112 percent from 2000 through 2008, while Latino growth in Fort Bend County was 70 percent, according to Census Bureau estimates. Harris County’s Hispanic population, meanwhile, increased by 40 percent, and Houston’s went up by 31 percent.
Karl Eschbach, the state demographer, said he expects a falling Mexican fertility rate and other factors to lead to a decline in Latino migration to Texas in percentage terms. Locally, Eschbach said, “the growth of a range of housing options in the suburbs, both inside and outside Harris County, is redistributing (Latino) growth away from Houston.”
Putting these into absolute figures:
Montgomery County, Year 2000 versus Year 2008Year  Population  Latinos  Latino%==================================2000     293,768   37,500    12.8%2008     429,953   78,681    18.3%Diff     132,185   41,181    31.2%Fort Bend County, Year 2000 versus Year 2008:Year  Population  Latinos  Latino%==================================2000     354,452   74,871    21.1%2008     532,141  127,182    23.9%Diff     177,689   52,311    29.4%Harris County, Year 2000 versus Year 2008:Year  Population    Latinos  Latino%====================================2000   3,400,578  1,119,751    32.9%2008   3,984,349  1,565,849    39.3%Diff     583,771    446,098    76.4%
The Year 2008 Latino population is derived in each case from the “Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2008″ figure, since an actual number is not given. By my calculation, the growth rate for Montgomery is 109%, not 112, not that it matters that much. While Montgomery’s rate of growth looks – and is – impressive, it’s easier to have such a high rate of growth when the starting number is small. There’s still a lot of white people moving into Montgomery County, in other words. Fort Bend saw high rates of growth in its black and Asian populations as well – 58% for blacks (from 70,356 to 111,217) and 97% for Asians (39,706 to 78,224). In Harris, 76% of all new population growth is attributable to Latinos. To me, that’s even more amazing than what’s happening in Montgomery. Pretty good glimpse at why voting patterns have been evolving in Harris and Fort Bend, too.
Anyway, as usual I find the opportunity to crunch a few numbers to be irresistible. For stuff like this, it’s especially fascinating.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
jg_is_so_sincere wrote:
Misskem....Please be knowledgeable of your profession and your region.Because now since you felt the need to speak on what you think is a gross miscalculation.I had a case load of over 250 clients that I worked with directly , when I started I had over 500. My caseload was cut due to my work of separating the ones that needed help and those that didn't need it. I worked directly with Springfield to do this.My field work was in the South Suburbs,Chicago-North,South and West, Western Suburbs and at risk youth in Elementary,Jr. High, and High school age children,Juvenile detention facilities & alternative learning programs in Chicago land. I was a specialist in the field of assessment psychologically and for case content, I was paid well for it. My work whether volunteer or paid helped clean up a lot of agencies.At the end of the day how I feel about helping out a client in a caseload doesn't matter, things are different for me now, which is why I changed professions and focus. I know my kids or me will never be that way because I raise them to be accountable and responsible and most of all to be productive and respectful of others. I am from the "hood" , I am black , and very in touch with what goes on around me and in the world I live in. For the record I have a very diverse background and healthy respect/tolerence for all individuals no matter what their background.
1/21/2010 12:15 PM CST on suntimes.com
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  conservativemind wrote:
i am sorry for the situation you are in and feel that you should be able to receive financial aasistance in your time of need. That is what the system was set up for and what its supposed to do.
Unfortunately you have so many people abusing and bankrupting the system that people such as yourselves are being ignored.
1/21/2010 12:00 PM CST on suburbanchicagonews.com
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  jg_is_so_sincere wrote:
Brenda.....is correct you have to d*&% near be living in s box to get any assistance from LIHEAP....and that is not right. You have to be at the very bottom to get help and I mean the bottom. It's sad because the system is not very functional at this point.
1/21/2010 11:52 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  misskem wrote:
jg_is_so_sincere wrote:
"I still care for the ones that genuinely need help, but for the other 90% ......"

90%...That's a gross miscalculation on your part...which made your whole point moot. Assumptions...I also work directly with these people through my government job (NOT PRIVATE SECTOR) and through my volunteer work...and in my job I use to see the case on my desk of abuse everyday, but that is because I worked in a department deidcated to that. I don't see that in my new position...and I also didn't see it much growing up and working with the poor.

It's like...Working in a coffee shop that gets the same customers everyday...complaining, being rude, making messes, etc...then transferring to a new location with nothing but pleasant customers who sip their coffee quietly and read the newspaper. You can't build judgments on only one type of encounter. The way to really see people is to see all people, not just a few.
1/21/2010 11:52 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  sean0301 wrote:

Its a shame what has happened to you but this is a time when you might have to put doing what you love on hold, and move to doing something that makes ends meet. You can always revisit your dream at a later date. Sucks but its seems to be the situation you are in.

The system only really helps those who game it. first you and your husband have to get a divorce (he can stay in the house just dont tell anyone). Then he needs to be sure to not get a job or get one for cash. Then go to the welfare office and say you have been abandoned and then you will get help. (if you have a house or car put it in your mothers name to hide the asset). This is how its done. I have known many people that live with thier family but their wives claim to have been abandoned and they get assistance. Meanwhile they earn a comfotable living with free medicaid for thier children.
1/21/2010 11:47 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  misskem wrote:
"values of accountability and responsibility "

Are wonderful and we should all have that instilled in us from an early age. But perfecting the values of accountability and responsibility, do not fill your stomache when you are hungry, or put a roof over your head, or clothes on your back.

We all want to hold values and have them down to a science, but not everyone gets opportunities even with the best intentions in mind. So being poor is not a plague, it's a hurdle to jump. And as we know, not everyone is so atheletic... sort of speak.

I grew up poor, accomplished great things, even to the point of being able to give back...but if a hit a block or lose my livelihood. I can't honestly say...I wouldn't do what I need to do to take care of my children, by any many necessary.

It's not a pretty thought, but it's a realistic one.
1/21/2010 11:42 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  jg_is_so_sincere wrote:
First of all, with the issue of public assistance, you have a system that gives advance notice on any appointment or inspection that needs to be done. That goes for Section 8 recipients, TANF cash recipients and DCFS cases. Clients are given prior notice of these visits so why the f*&^ wouldn't they tell the felon or illeagal that is housed at there location to "take a walk" for a few hours ? A large percentage of the people that receive public assistance DON'T REALLY NEED IT !That is a fact.Welfare to Work...LOL most of these clients make ther own check stubs to give to the caseworkers as proof of employment!Their not really working. The objective of getting and maintaining public assistance is a game to most people that receive it. They have more kids because they get more money for each child they have.4 kids for example will get you over $700 with no tax taken out of it. Illegals get public assistance with no problem and no documents......everything but cash. I was a caseworker in both the public and private sector, working directly with Public Aid,DCFS,CEDA,the local Housing Authorities.So I know what I am talking about.I used to care about the poor & helping ....I still care for the ones that genuinely need help, but for the other 90% ......nothing good to say about em'- I am jaded due to some of the things I have seen and assesed , the mentality is one of if I want it I can have it ...or it is owed to me....or I been like this all my life.You have have generations of clients that are on Public assistance the Grandma,the Mom, the Daughter,and the Grandkids.You can offer resources to people to help them achieve a life without assistance from anyone , but it is so much easier to not do anything or do just enough to continue to get a check. You have illegals that won't even learn english and instead of the government making it mandatory that they learn in order to get help......what do they do they change all the d*&^ forms and product labeling to fit there spanish preference! What about the Polish,German,Korean,Indian & many other races that come here and have to learn English & live legally,the government makes them learn English, but because the border doesn't have an ocean between it this rule doesn't apply.
There should be mandatory drug testing and there should be "pop-up" visits done as a default and scheduled visits as an rare occurance instead of vice versa. There should be larger fines for employers that employ illegals rather it be temporary or permanent positions and the fine should include mandatory jail time as well.
1/21/2010 11:40 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  brenda l wrote:
I just want to say that I happen to be one of those 'Poor' people! I've tried to get help! I was told no because I make $15 over the limit to get utility help! My husband & I were making good money till he lost his job! We had NO warning that he was going to lose his job! Before he lost his job, I changed jobs to do what I love! Because he was making enough to suport us and still be able to enjoy our camping trips & vacations! Now we've gone through all of our savings & our retirement money! We have nothing left & the government won't help us! We have to be more than destitute to recieve help! I'm tired of people saying that 'Poor' people are all drug addicts and lazy!! I want to go back to school to expand on the education for the job I love doing but there are no grants or "Free" money for the classes I want to take! The people, companies, government only give money to those who take classes that will make the students lots of money! Those grants, ect, are not for those of us who want to help animals by becoming dog trainers or groomers or anything else to do with animal husbandry! If anybody has an answer to that, let me know, because I'm at a loss and losing more every day!!
1/21/2010 11:38 AM CST on suburbanchicagonews.com
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  suga wrote:
And, suddenly, there's silence. Well said.
1/21/2010 11:34 AM CST on suntimes.com
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  conservativemind wrote:
we obviously have opposing points of view and debate is a good thing. I myself came fom a poor but loving family and I was blessed by being born in the greatest country in the history of man. My parents instilled the values of accountability and responsibility in me and I am now passing those values on to my kids. Again I am all for helping people that truly need the help. But taxpayers have the right to demand accountabilty to those receiving our money. Also this is again not a racial issue and I agree that more parents need to take care of and be responsible for their childrens activies.
You have your views and I have mine and thats what makes this a great place to live. I just hope that my kids and grandkids will have the same opportunities that I have had.

1/21/2010 11:32 AM CST on suburbanchicagonews.com
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发表于 2010-1-21 05:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
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