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发表于 2008-1-7 10:02 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

每个人都希望自己青春永驻,有的人花大把的钱买化妆品,有的人花大把钱去整容......但你可知道,我们日常生活中的一些坏习惯就是偷走青春的罪魁祸首。 1、起床后马上叠被子 人体本身也是一个污染源,在一夜的睡眠中,人体的皮肤会排出大量的水蒸气,使被子不同程度地受潮,人的呼吸和分布全身的毛孔所排出的化学物质有145种,从汗液中蒸发的化学物质有151种,被子吸收或吸附水分和气体,如不让气散发出去,就立即叠被,易使被子受潮及受化学物质污染,这样下次睡觉时,这些污染会再回来伤害我们。 2、长时间热水浴 每天回家后洗个热水澡是个绝佳的享受,但长时间用热水淋浴反而对身体不好,这是因为自来水中的氯仿和三氯化烯在高温状态下因与空气接触而被释放出来,再通过呼吸系统和皮肤进入体内。15分钟以上的盆浴会释放20%-40%的氯仿和三氯化烯,而相同时间淋浴的释放量则高达60-80%,这些都会让你的呼吸系统提前老化。 3、喝水不足或喝水的时间间隔不当 每天保证八杯水的饮水量。喝水不足会直接导致体内代谢废物在体内堆积无法排出。而饮水时间不当一样会伤害身体,比如晚上睡前大量喝水,容易增加膀胱负担,影响睡眠质量,进而导致身体容易衰老。 4、习惯性揉眼 眼睛是人体暴露在外面最脆弱的器官。习惯性揉眼会机械改变眼压,操作眼部肌肉,造成视力下降。另外,揉眼动作也会让鱼尾纹早早现身。 5、经常性眯眼   看不清楚时、阳光刺眼时、做鬼脸装可爱时就会不自觉地眯眼,眼周肌肤厚度只有身体肌肤平均厚度的1/4,很容易因不良表情造成皱纹生成。为了减少10年后的眼周皱纹,近视美女一定要佩戴度数合适的眼镜,而外出时则一定要戴墨镜,不是为了漂亮,而是为了防止你不自觉地在阳光下变成“眯眯眼”。 6、穿超过7厘米的高跟鞋 高跟鞋的安全限度是7厘米。超过7厘米的高跟鞋会让女性身体明显前倾,长时间保持这种姿势会使盆骨受到伤害,由大腿至臀部的肌肉在这种姿势下也会被损伤,让肌肉提前老化。 7、经常拉扯眼皮   画眼线或戴隐形眼镜时最容易拉扯眼皮,其次就是涂抹眼霜时手法的错误。无论如何,要尽量避免拉扯眼周的皮肤,否则皱纹可就找上你了!涂抹眼霜时应用无名指,因为它是力度最小的一根手指。手法是轻轻向下按压帮助吸收,而不是左右涂抹。 8、经常托腮帮 托腮时,手掌对脸部的挤压会造成脸上的皮肤被拉扯,很容易出现皱纹。最可怕的是,这个动作一旦造成皱纹,可就是永久性的,不同于皮肤干燥所导致的细纹、幼纹。也就是说,这种皱纹用多贵的护肤品也很难轻易消除。 9、微笑或大笑时皱鼻子 脸上最早出现皱纹的部位,就是常受表情肌牵动的部位,像眼尾、眼下、眉心、额头等。肌肤受到牵动时有纹路出现,但只要表情恢复纹路就不见了,那还不必担心。若需较长时间表情纹才消失,你就要开始注意了。 10、习惯性用一侧牙齿嚼食品 因为一段时间牙疼或因为某种个人爱好就长期保持了单侧咀嚼的坏习惯,会让经常咀嚼食物那边的面部肌肉越来越强壮,而另一边面部肌肉则由于经常不用而退化。久而久之,就会造成左右面部大小不同,形成“大小”脸!拜托,在女人的脸上,不对称可不是个性,而是美丽大忌。 11、习惯性挤眉弄眼 任何拉扯皮肤的动作重复多次都会生皱纹,即使是说话时眨眼睛或挑眉。还好,中国女性表情夸张的人不多,这应该也是中年后的欧美女性皱纹比亚洲女性多的原因之一吧。 12、超时间敷面膜 敷面膜前一定要看说明书,一般面膜在脸上的停留时间不宜超过15分钟。敷面膜超时后,面膜会倒过来从肌肤中吸收水分,还会给毛孔戴上“口罩”,影响皮肤吸收营养和分泌油脂,引起过敏。 13、跷二郎腿 喜欢跷二郎腿的女性更容易患静脉曲张,导致腿部青筋突出,影响美观。而且这种姿势还会严重压迫脊椎神经,影响大脑和内脏器官供氧。 14、过度使用耳机 过度使用耳机会直接诱发听力受损,即使音量不大也会造成听力提前衰退,有些伸入耳孔的耳机还容易损伤耳道。 15、爱吃甜食 据世界卫生组织的统计数据显示,长期嗜糖的女性青春寿命比正常饮食的女性短5年。因为爱吃甜食的人容易得糖尿病、肥胖等,从而早衰。 16、过于夸张的项链 项链过重会直接压迫颈部神经,影响脑部供血,长时间佩戴还会使颈部肌肉受损,酸痛难当。不少天然晶石中含有放射性元素,会使皮肤出现“射线性皱纹”。 17、嗜饮咖啡 如果一天饮用4杯咖啡,三年内血压就会升高5,让你的心脏提前衰老。 18、使用一次性筷子 使用一次性筷子,不仅是影响环保的问题,对健康也会有很大的影响。因为一次性筷子中普遍含有二氧化硫。二氧化硫容易被人体内湿润的粘膜吸收,生成硫酸和亚硫酸,长期摄入会加速你的细胞衰老,尤其是引起呼吸系统的衰老,同时引发头疼、乏力等多种全身不适症状。 19、沙发过软 过软的沙发容易造成脊椎老化、变形,而且也会导致腰部肌肉劳损,让你的腰身未老先衰。 20、经常吃得过饱 饱食容易引起记忆力下降,思维迟钝,注意力不集中,应激能力减弱,经常饱食尤其是过饱的晚餐,因热量摄入过多,会使脂肪过剩,血脂增高,导致脑动脉粥样硬化。 [ 本帖最后由 julizhu 于 2008-1-7 13:16 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-1-7 10:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-1-11 03:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-1-12 08:18 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-1-17 02:57 AM | 显示全部楼层

Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe -- note the No. 1 wrong belief

December 26, 2007, 11:43 am Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe Turkey makes you drowsy. Dim light ruins your eyes. Drink at last eight glasses of water a day. These are some of the medical myths that even doctors believe, reports the British Medical Journal. Researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine made a list of common medical beliefs espoused by physicians and the general public. They included statements they had heard endorsed by doctors on multiple occasions. The result is a seven-item list of medical and health myths that are widely repeated by doctors and in the media, all of which either aren’t true or lack scientific evidence to support them. The study authors, Dr. Rachel C. Vreeman and Dr. Aaron E. Carroll, said that while doctors realize good medicine requires them to constantly learn new things, they often forget to reexamine their existing medical beliefs. “These medical myths are a lighthearted reminder that we can be wrong and need to question what other falsehoods we unwittingly propagate as we practice medicine,'’ wrote Dr. Vreeman and Dr. Carroll. Here are the seven medical myths they identified. 1. People should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. The article authors found no scientific evidence for this advice, although they found several unsubstantiated recommendations in the popular press. The source may be a 1945 article from the National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Sciences, which noted that a “suitable allowance” of water for adults is 2.5 liters a day, although the last sentence noted that much of it is already contained in the food we eat. “If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day,'’ Dr. Vreeman and Dr. Carroll noted. “Existing studies suggest that adequate fluid intake is usually met through typical daily consumption of juice, milk and even caffeinated drinks.'’ 2. We use only 10 percent of our brains. The belief that we use only 10 percent of our brains has persisted for nearly a century, the authors noted. Sometimes the claim is attributed to Albert Einstein, but no reference or statement has ever been recorded. The study authors found references to this myth as early as 1907 and noted that it’s often repeated by people advocating the power of self-improvement. However, the authors said that evidence from studies of brain-damaged people, imaging and metabolic studies and other brain research shows that people use much more than 10 percent of their brains. “Numerous types of brain imaging studies show that no area of the brain is completely silent or inactive,'’ wrote the authors. “Detailed probing of the brain has failed to identify the ‘non-functioning’ 90 percent.” 3. Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death. The claim has been repeated in movies and talk-show monologues, but it’s not true. The growth of hair and nails requires “a complex hormonal regulation” that stops after the body dies. The reason for the long-held belief may be that dehydration of the body after death, and subsequent shrinking of soft tissue, can create the illusion of growth of hair and nails. 4. Shaving hair causes it to grow back faster, darker or coarser. This common belief is often repeated in the media and reinforced when coarse stubble appears on the body after shaving. A 1928 clinical trial showed that shaving had no effect on hair growth, a finding confirmed by more recent studies. When hair grows back after shaving, it seems coarse because it doesn’t have the fine taper of unshaved hair. It seems darker because it hasn’t been exposed to the sun like the previously unshaved hair. 5. Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight. The idea that dim light ruins eyesight probably has its origins in eye strain, said the study authors. Bad lighting makes it hard to focus, makes you blink less and leads to dry eyes, particularly if you’re squinting. So reading in dim light is uncomfortable, but it doesn’t cause permanent damage. 6. Eating turkey makes people especially drowsy. This myth stems from the fact that turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid found in proteins and essential to the human body. Scientific studies show that sleep and mood are affected by tryptophan. However, turkey does not contain an exceptional amount of tryptophan. Chicken and beef contain about the same amount, and pork and cheese contain more tryptophan per gram than turkey. Because turkey is consumed with other foods, absorption of tryptophan from turkey is minimal, noted the authors. The myth likely stems from the fact that everyone feels drowsy after eating a large meal because the body is using energy to digest food and blood flow and oxygenation to the brain decreases. Large meals in the United States usually occur around Thanksgiving and Christmas, holidays during which turkey is often served. 7. Cellphones create considerable electromagnetic interference in hospitals. Anecdotal reports persist that cellphones create false alarms on monitors and malfunctions in infusion pumps. After publication of a medical journal article citing more than 100 reports of suspected electromagnetic interference with medical devices before 1993, The Wall Street Journal published a front page article on the topic. As a result, many hospitals banned the use of cellphones, perpetuating the belief. But the study authors found no evidence to support it. At the Mayo Clinic in 2005, in 510 tests performed with 16 medical devices and six mobile phones, the incidence of clinically important interference was 1.2 percent. A 2007 study that examined cellphones “used in a normal way” found no interference of any kind during 300 tests in 75 treatment rooms. In contrast, a large survey of anesthesiologists found that use of cellphones by doctors was associated with a 22 percent reduction in medical error resulting from delays in communication. Update: After reading dozens of reader comments on this post, the study authors have added their own response. To see what they have to say read comment #101 below.
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