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发表于 2018-9-23 09:36 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

From Palisade Research: Earlier this week – news went by relatively unnoticed by the ‘mainstream‘ financial media (CNCB and such) that Beijing’s started selling their U.S. debt holdings.

Putting it another way – they’re dumping U.S. bonds. . .

“China’s ownership of U.S. bonds, bills and notes slipped to $1.17 trillion, the lowest level since January and down from $1.18 trillion in June.”

Remember – dumping U.S. debt is China’s nuclear option (which I wrote about back in April – click here to read if you missed it).

And although they’re starting to sell U.S. bonds – expect it to be at a slow and steady pace. They don’t want to risk hurting themselves over this.

I believe China may be selling just enough to get the attention of Trump and the Treasury. A soft warning for them not to take things too far with tariffs and trade.

Yet already just as news hit the wire that China was selling bonds a few days ago – U.S. yields spiked above 3%. . .

Don’t forget that China’s the U.S.’s largest foreign creditor. And this is an asset for them.

And although them selling is worrisome – the real problems started months ago. . .

Over the last few months, my macro research and articles are all finally coming together. This thesis we had is finally taking shape in the real world.

I wrote in a detailed piece a few months back that foreigners just aren’t lending to the U.S. as much anymore (you can read that here).

I called this the ‘silent problem’. . .

Long story short: the U.S. is running huge deficits. They haven’t been this big since the Great Financial Recession of 08.

And it shouldn’t come as a surprise to many.

Because of Trump’s tax cuts, there’s less government revenue coming in. And that means the increased military spending and other Federal spending has to be paid for on someone else’s tab.

The U.S. does ‘bond auctions’ all the time where banks and foreigners buy U.S. debt – giving the Treasury cash to spend now.

But like I highlighted in the ‘silent problem’ article (seriously, read it if you haven’t) – foreigners are buying less U.S. debt recently. . .

This is a serious problem because if the Treasury wants to spend more while collecting less taxes, they need to borrow heavily.

This trend’s continued since 2016 and it’s getting worse. And with the mounting liabilities (like pensions and social security and medicare), they’ll need to borrow trillions more in the coming years.
So, in summary – the U.S. has less interested foreign creditors at a time when they need them more than ever.

But wait, it gets worse. . .

The Federal Reserve’s currently tightening – they’re raising rates and selling bonds via Quantitative Tightening (QT – fancy word for sucking money out of system).

This is the second big problem – and I wrote about in ‘Anatomy of a Crisis’ (read here). And even earlier than that here.

So, while the Fed does this tightening, they’re creating a global dollar shortage. . .

As I wrote. . . “This is going to cause an evaporation of dollar liquidity – making the markets extremely fragile. Putting it simply – the soaring U.S. deficit requires an even greater amount dollars from foreigners to fund the U.S. Treasury. But if the Fed is shrinking their balance sheet, that means the bonds they’re selling to banks are sucking dollars out of the economy (the reverse of Quantitative Easing which was injecting dollars into the economy). This is creating a shortage of U.S. dollars – the world’s reserve currency – therefore affecting every global economy.”

The Fed’s tightening is sucking money – the U.S. dollar – out of the global economy and banks.
And they’re doing this at a time when Foreigners need even more liquidity so that they can buy U.S. debt.

How is the Treasury supposed to get funding if there’s less dollars out there available? And how can they entice investors if Foreigners don’t have enough liquidity to fund U.S. debt?

These Emerging Markets must use their dollar reserves to prop up their own currencies and economies today. They can’t be worrying about funding U.S. pensions and other bloated spending when their economies are crumbling.

These two themes I’ve written about extensively – the decline of foreign investors and the Fed’s tightening – have gotten us to this point today.

And the U.S. is extremely fragile because of both problems. . .

Here’s the worst part – China probably knows this. That’s why they’re selling just enough U.S. bonds to spook markets.

But if the trade war and soon-to-be a currency war continues, no doubt China will sell more of their debt – sending yields soaring.

I just got done last week detailing how U.S. debt servicing costs (interest payments) are already becoming very unsustainable (click here if you missed it).

At this point they’re literally borrowing money just to pay back old debts – that’s known as a ‘ponzi scheme’.

This is why I believe the Fed will eventually cut rates back to 0% – and then into negative territory. And instead of sucking money out of the economy via QT, they’re going to start printing trillions more.

How else will the Treasury be able to get the funding they need?

I’ll continue to keep you up to date with what’s going on and how it all fits together.

But I think the two big problems I wrote about above are now converging into a new massive problem. And I don’t see any way out of it unless the Fed monetizes the U.S. Treasury and outstanding debts. And that will cause massive moves in the markets.

I’m sure Trump will eventually tweet, “Oh Yeah? Foreigners don’t want to buy the U.S. debt? Blasphemy! Who needs you all when we have a printing press!”

Or something like that.

The iShares Barclays 20+ Yr Treas.Bond ETF (TLT) closed at $117.10 on Friday, down $-0.05 (-0.04%). Year-to-date, TLT has declined -6.91%, versus a 9.86% rise in the benchmark S&P 500 index during the same period.

TLT currently has an ETF Daily News SMART Grade of B (Buy), and is ranked #16 of 28 ETFs in the Government Bonds ETFs category.

This article is brought to you courtesy of Palisade Research.
发表于 2018-9-24 09:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
another interpretation of the action is that foreign investor is leaving China!

Cause back then, when foreigner invest in China, and Chinese exporters are making lots of US$ through exporting, Chinese government take those US$ and buy US treasure. Now it is other way around. Less US$ from exporting, and worst, if foreign investor start leaving China, Chinese government has to give them back the US$ they used put into the system. And where are those money? US treasure.

So do not read this entirely as Chinese government proactively fighting the currency war and punish US government. They could be forced to do so!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2018-9-24 09:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
This is an interesting development.
US debt has been growing unchecked.  Trump should know what the bottom line of China is.  Just not sure how US respond.
China's political system enables China to act against the enemy even though the approach may harm China as well.
The US president does not have this luxury.
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-24 10:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
风行过 发表于 2018-9-24 09:33 AM
another interpretation of the action is that foreign investor is leaving China!

Cause back then,  ...


In addition, Some US firms in China may also move DOLLAR to US because of once-only low tax. Then they may use $ to buy their own stocks.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-24 10:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
snailittle 发表于 2018-9-24 09:40 AM
This is an interesting development.
US debt has been growing unchecked.  Trump should know what th ...

Trump indeed does have experience in deal with people in Hong-Kong, Taiwan but not people in Mainland China.

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发表于 2018-9-24 11:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
CrisisInvesting 发表于 2018-9-24 10:30 AM

In addition, Some US firms in China may also move DOLLAR to US because of once-only low  ...

i saw it somewhere before says that even china hold a good chunk of us treasure, but compare to overall bond market, it should not be a big impact. Even china dump all things at once, the market should be able to absorb it.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-24 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
新浪美股讯 北京时间25日凌晨,美股周一午盘继续下滑。贸易紧张局势继续施压,美国司法部副部长辞职的消息加重了特朗普政府面临的政治不确定性。





  美国国内政治局势的不确定性加剧。据报道,美国司法部副部长罗德-罗森斯坦(Rod Rosenstein)宣布辞职。


  Key Private Bank首席投资策略师Bruce McCain表示:“很显然,政府出现这样的内斗,显然不是市场喜闻乐见的。如此高级别的官员辞职,就是政府内斗的一部分。”

  熊市陷阱报告(Bear Traps Report)公司创始人Larry McDonald表示,罗森斯坦的辞职,可能会使共和党人在即将到来的中期选举中遇到更多困难。









  除贸易问题外,投资者还将密切关注美联储的动态。市场普遍预计美联储将在周三的货币政策会议结束时宣布加息。会议结束后,美联储主席杰罗姆-鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)将举行新闻发布会。市场将密切关注鲍威尔对于经济状况、贸易问题的影响以及美联储政策的任何潜在变化发表的意见。



  Bensignor Strategies总裁Rick Bensignor在研报中评论道:“我们继续看到美股市场表现出令人难以置信的韧性——它克服了所有看似可能令市场上涨势头脱轨的重大事件。因此,我们会继续在这一轮牛市中做多,直到出现决定性的否定因素。”


  京东(24.635, -1.86, -7.00%)(JD)股价下跌。路透社周一详细报道了刘强东在美涉嫌案件的细节。随后刘强东代理律师回应称,路透社报道与事实不符,不愿干扰司法。

  康卡斯特(35.405, -2.50, -6.58%)公司(CMCSA)在与21世纪福克斯(44.97, 0.64, 1.44%)(FOXA)竞购Sky(SKYAY)的三轮拍卖中胜出,将以388亿美元的竞标价格收购后者。

  Sirius XM Holdings(SIRI)同意以股票交易方式收购Pandora(P)公司,交易价值35亿美元。

  Digital Realty Trust(DLR)同意收购Great Hill Partners,交易价值约18亿美元。

  Randgold Resources(RRS)与Barrick Gold(ABX)同意以全股票交易方式进行合并,合并后将诞生一个市值183亿美元的黄金矿业巨头。

  广告业巨头WPP PLC(WPP)公司新任首席执行官Mark Read正在准备整合旗下某些主要资产,因为这家传统广告机构正在努力跟上行业性的数字化转变浪潮。该公司考虑的选项之一将Young&Rubicam与WPP的数字广告公司VML进行合并。






责任编辑:张俊 SF065
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-27 10:59 AM | 显示全部楼层



  美联储的利率决定机构——联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)在本次会议政策声明中删除了“宽松”(accommodative) 立场。

  上一次会议声明中的以下内容在本次声明中不再出现:The stance of monetary policy remains accommodative, thereby supporting strong labor market conditions and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation。

最近两次美联储FOMC声明文本比较(8月1日 vs. 9月26日)(来源:美联储、新浪财经整理)最近两次美联储FOMC声明文本比较(8月1日 vs. 9月26日)(来源:美联储、新浪财经整理)

  不过,美联储主席鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)随后在2:30举行的新闻发布会上澄清,目前政策依然宽松,去除“宽松”措辞并不是政策路径转变的信号,而仅是经济进展及政策执行符合预期的信号。点此查看发布会要点实录。



  FOMC委员对美国经济及联邦基金利率的预期。绿色框中部分为预测中位值(median)上修的指标,红色框中部分为预测中位值下修的指标。(图片来源:美联储、新浪财经整理)  FOMC委员对美国经济及联邦基金利率的预期。绿色框中部分为预测中位值(median)上修的指标,红色框中部分为预测中位值下修的指标。(图片来源:美联储、新浪财经整理)




  市场密切留意的点阵图(dot plot)显示,FOMC维持对2018/19/20年加息4/3/1次的预测不变;对2019—2021年联邦基金利率抬升至高于中性利率水平的预测不变。







美东时间9月26日(周三),美联储宣布加息及举行新闻发布会前后的市场表现(以交易所交易基金表征)(图片来源:新浪财经)  美东时间9月26日(周三),美联储宣布加息及举行新闻发布会前后的市场表现(以交易所交易基金表征)(图片来源:新浪财经)











  据美国劳动统计局(BLS)9月7日公布的数据,8月份美国非农就业人数增加20.1万人,高于市场预期的19.1万人;失业率3.9%,逊于预期的3.8%。(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)  据美国劳动统计局(BLS)9月7日公布的数据,8月份美国非农就业人数增加20.1万人,高于市场预期的19.1万人;失业率3.9%,逊于预期的3.8%。(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)
  据美国劳动统计局(BLS)9月7日公布的数据,8月份美国所有私人非农雇员平均小时工资同比增长2.9%,高于预期值及前值(2.7%)(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)  据美国劳动统计局(BLS)9月7日公布的数据,8月份美国所有私人非农雇员平均小时工资同比增长2.9%,高于预期值及前值(2.7%)(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)
  据美国经济分析局(BEA)8月30日公布的数据,7月美国核心个人消费开支(PCE)价格指数同比增幅为2%,前值为1.9%,自2012年4月以来首次达到美联储2%的政策目标值。(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)  据美国经济分析局(BEA)8月30日公布的数据,7月美国核心个人消费开支(PCE)价格指数同比增幅为2%,前值为1.9%,自2012年4月以来首次达到美联储2%的政策目标值。(图片来源:Fred、新浪财经整理)
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