Egyptian Court Deals Blow to Islamists (埃及高法裁决是对穆斯林主义者的一个打击)
Ex-Premier Cleared to Run; Parliament Is Dissolved
Egypt Court Dissolves Parliament(埃及高法解散议会)
Egypt's highest court ruled to allow a former regime loyalist to run in presidential elections and to dissolve both houses of parliament, in verdicts that politicians and activists condemned as a prelude to a military coup
Egypt’s high court nullifies parliamentary elections; military may take over lawmaking(埃及高法宣布议会选举无效,军方将接管立法权)
Egyptian court further roils bitter run-off (埃及高法决定对总统第二轮选举将产生严重影响)
Jurists dissolve parliament and rule that that the former prime minister of deposed leader Hosni Mubarak can't be disqualified from this weekend's presidential vote
Cries of 'coup' as Egypt's military grabs power(埃及军方攫取权力的行为被称为“政变”)
The country's military rulers declared they have full legislative authority after the top court ruled the parliament invalid. The ruling triggered a new level of chaos in Egypt