Sept 27 Greek parliament votes on unpopular new property tax
Sept 28 Finnish parliament votes on new powers for
the European financial stability facility, the eurozone bail-out fund
Sept 29 German parliament due to ratify the EFSF, but will Chancellor Angel Merkel win over her coalition partners?
Oct 3 Eurozone finance ministers meet in Luxembourg
Oct 11 Slovak parliament votes on the EFSF, the last eurozone member to do so
Oct 13 Eurozone ministers could meet again to sign off on a Greek aid tranche
Oct 14 G20 finance ministers meet in Paris
Mid-Oct Greece starts to run out of money
Oct 17-18 Herman Van Rompuy, European Council, president, will make proposals on fiscal union at an EU summit
Nov 3-4 G20 summit in Cannes
Dec Talks begin on next aide tranche for Athens
Dec 9 EU summit at which leaders to discuss increasing EFSF at summit and fiscal union
Early 2012 German parliament votes on a permanent bail-out fund to replace the EFSF |