发表于 2011-4-22 06:11 PM
Andrea Yates, Houston Texas, 2001. Drowned her 5 children. The reason she gave was that her children weren’t righteous and were doomed to Hell.
Dena Schlosser, Plano Texas, 2004. Amputated her baby's arms with a knife and offered her to God, as she believed God had commanded her to do.
Blaine Milam & Jessica Carson, Rusk County Texas, 2008. Told police Carson’s 13 month old daughter was possessed and they tried to exorcize the demons out of her by beating her with a hammer and biting her.
Jan David Clark, Odessa Texas, 2008. Said he was holding his 59 year-old wife face-down on the floor during an exorcism when the devil entered his body and caused her to die.
Otty Sanchez, San Antonio Texas, 2009. Said the devil made her kill and mutilate her 3 ½ week old son. She reportedly decapitated the baby, ate part of his brain, and chewed 3 of his toes off.
March 2008, Leilani Neumann’s daughter was sick. She and her family prayed and prayed for the girl to get better, but she didn’t. They thought their God was testing their faith. They didn’t want to show their lack of faith by going to a doctor. So the child died of untreated diabetes.
April 5, 2009. Marie Moore and her son, Mitchell, were shooting targets at a gun range when without any warning she shot her son in the head and then turned the gun on herself. She said in tapes and notes left before the murder/suicide that God made her the Antichrist, and that she must die to save her boyfriend, son and the world from violence, and her mother, father and brother from hell. Among the things she said was "Hopefully when I die, there will 1,000 years of peace."
February 2009. LaGrange, Missouri. Christopher Piersee murdered his 21 year old wife and 5 month old son then painted crosses on them with their own blood. Later, he told deputies he was the archangel Michael and he had killed Lucifer (his wife) and the Antichrist (his son) with a knife because bullets wouldn't work. He also painted "Michael" and "Lucifer" on the wall with blood.