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发表于 2011-3-1 04:01 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

亚洲週刊    2011-02-28 21:45:41




  显然,盖特纳很清楚货币估值的逻辑。他并不特别在乎名义匯率的变动幅度,不必跟中国玩「广场协议」,但他知道用输出通胀一样可达到当年逼迫日圆升值的相同效果。而且,此种做法代价更为低廉。至此,盖特纳已经道出了美国实施量化宽鬆货币政策的真实目的。好一个巧实力(smart power)!

  通货膨胀,本质上是资源价格和劳动力价格的重置。资源价格和劳动力价格的重置,将迅速改变生产率水平。而人民币的高估值,正是贱卖资源和压榨劳动力的结果。这也是盖特纳将通货膨胀计入人民币匯率变动的塬因。换言之,中国一旦终止贱卖和压榨,名义生产率水平将大幅下跌,人民币的估值必然迅速回落。那意味着人民币骤然贬值。贱卖资源和压榨劳动力的哲学含义,是蔑视天理和人伦。蔑视天理和人伦,当然不可持续。好一个恶实力(evil power)!









发表于 2011-3-1 04:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
AP: 中国持美国债券跳升30%。 看来中国政府真得很爱国(爱美国)。
来源: miat42 于 2011-02-28 1

China's holdings of US debt jump 30 percent
Treasury: China's holdings of US debt jump 30 percent based on annual revision of data

Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer, On Monday February 28, 2011, 5:13 pm EST
WASHINGTON (AP) -- China, the biggest buyer of U.S. Treasury securities, owns a lot more than previously estimated.

In an annual revision of the figures, the Treasury Department said Monday that China's holdings totaled $1.16 trillion at the end of December. That was an increase of 30 percent from an estimate the government made two weeks ago.

The government made the change to its monthly report based on more accurate information it obtains in an annual survey. That survey more does a better job of determining the actual owners of Treasury securities.

China was firmly in the top spot as the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury debt even before the revisions. But the big increase in Chinese holdings could ease fears that Chinese investors might begin dumping their U.S. holdings. Such a development could send U.S. interest rates rising. That would slow America's economic recovery and increase Washington's costs for financing the $14.3 trillion national debt.

China and Britain were the countries with the biggest revisions in the new report.

The amount of U.S. Treasury securities held by Britain fell to $272.1 billion in the new report. That's a drop of $269.2 billion from the last monthly report which put the Britain's holdings of U.S. debt at $541.3 billion. The holdings of the two countries often show big revisions when the annual report is released.

The reason for the change is that Chinese investors who purchase their Treasury securities in London are often counted as British investors. The more detailed annual report does a better job of tracking the countries in which investors reside as opposed to the location where investors make their purchases.

Even with the revision, Britain remained the third largest holder of U.S. Treasurys.

Japan had the second highest foreign holdings, totaling $882.3 billion at the end of December. The revision was only slightly below the original estimate.

The total foreign holdings of Treasury debt stood at $4.44 trillion at the end of December, according to the new report. That's up 1.5 percent from the estimate made two weeks ago. About two-thirds of U.S. Treasurys owned overseas are held by foreign governments and central banks.

The U.S. government is selling huge amounts of debt to finance record-high budget deficits. The Obama administration in its new budget released on Feb. 14 projected that this year's deficit will reach a record $1.65 trillion. It would be the third consecutive year the federal deficit has exceeded $1 trillion.
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