发表于 2011-2-23 11:55 AM
“宗教是麻醉人们心灵的鸦片” by 列宁
If I have to choose a religion, I would prefer Buddist or traditonal Chinese culture. Religion used to be a tool to control people's mind and unfortunately still is. All people need to know to how to tell right and wrong, how to behave, and how to find their directions and simply speaking how to live decently in a society. Some choose religion as their guidance, some simply follow well-recognized social norms, and some developed their own virtue system. In this sense, any of us are kind of religious, even for a 100% communist :-).
No matter what, a person is judged by what he/she has done in the existing world, not by his/her belief. That's why I like Buddist and Chinese virtues much better, which will accept you to the heaven as long as you are a good person. However, in Christ's system, if you are not a believer, you are doomed to go to hell. Sounds logically incorrect! I always feel funny when I saw this kind of scene in Hollywood movies. Some bad guy walked into a church, confessed, walked out, and then continued his old business. A good way to release stress, isn't? I think those person in great power know how to master and take advantage of religion, rather than the reverse.
Those so-called Christian virtues/loves are NOT exclusive priviledges of Christ. They exist because they are universal virtues, becuase we are human beings that love this world, NOT because we believe in Christ.
China has been existing for thousands years. Could we say our Chinse ancestors had all gone to hell becuase they didn't beleive in God? It may be argued by Christians the God those old folks believed in was actually the omnipotent Christ. Come on ! Please DON'T do cultural invasion things. Our god, our guidance are our own, not yours. I certainly respect your choice of religion, but please don't pretend 你们是唯一的真神信仰者,站在道德的制高点上,俯视其它的芸芸众生. |