发表于 2010-10-5 11:18 AM
Since I cam to the US, I had been annoyed by allergy for quite a few years. At the beginning, the allergy medicine I bought over the counter could alleviate my symptoms but they eventually lost effects and my allergy symptoms got worse and worse. Last year I had running nose for 6 months! This year I tried acupuncture for just one time and symptoms were alleviated tramatically and they only last a couple of weeks since the treatment. I did not have a single allergy pill this year.
At least some of Chinese traditional medicines, treatments and theories are still effective. Even if the Western theory cannot explain some of them currently, as long as they are effective, we should not abandon them. Instead, we should study them and try to understand why. Some ancient Greek schoolars were too stick to their "theories" that their actions looked very stupid (one schoolar believed all movements were non-existent because "theorectically" if you move from A to B you need to reach the midpoint C first, and if you want to reach C, you need to reach yet the midpoint between A and C and this process is indinite. But man! Do not walk everyday? If your theory cannot explain it, either your assumption is wrong or your reasoning is wrong, do not blame the facts). |