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When You Compare Violence in the Quran to Violence in the Bible

发表于 2016-2-15 05:31 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


http://news.yahoo.com/heres-happ ... uran-210900952.html

To the well-informed this staggering statistic should come as no surprise: Fifty-eight percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Islam. And with that comes a laundry list of misinformation about the faith's holy text, the Quran.

But a recent project by data analyst and research marketer Tom Anderson turns one common misconception on its head: that the Quran is more consumed by blood thirst than the Christian Bible. Using text-analysis tools developed by OdinText, Anderson determined what percentage of the Bible was devoted to discussion of violence and then compared those results to that of the Quran.

The point of the project, Anderson wrote, was to "uncover with as little bias as possible the extent to which any of these texts is qualitatively and/or quantitatively distinct from the others using metrics associated with violence, love and so on."

Read More: This Is What Happens When You Show People a Bible With a Quaran's Cover on It

Of the three books, the project found, the Old Testament is the most violent, with approximately 5.3% of the text referring to "destruction and killing" — the Quran clocked in at just 2.1%, with the New Testament slightly higher at 2.8%.

While the New Testament led in mentions of the concept of love, the Quran leads heavily in mentions of mercy — thanks partially to Allah's title, "the merciful."

Perhaps the most notable difference, though, was between the frequency of positive emotions that surfaced in the Quran when compared to both books of the Bible, as depicted in the chart below.
Anderson is careful to point out the shortcomings of his findings more than once, noting the sensitivity of the issue his work tackled. By his own admission, his findings are "by no means intended to be conclusive."

"Ours is a 30,000-foot, cursory view of three texts: the Quran and the Old and New testaments," Anderson wrote.

Then there's the inherent issue in using automated tools to generate statistics that do not take context into account.

According to Anderson, the findings challenge the popular notion among Westerners that Muslims subscribe to a particularly violent faith. Indeed, he concluded, "of the three texts, the content in the Old Testament appears to be the most violent."
This sentiment was recently illustrated by Dutch filmmakers Sacha Harland and Alexander Spoor, who read passages to passersby from what they said was the Quran — but actually pulled from the Bible.

"To me, this sounds like they want to oppress you and force you to believe what they believe," one woman told the two.

However, Atlantic contributor Caner K. Dagli wrote that understanding the connection between religion and violence necessitates a deeper kind of analysis.

"Determining what texts 'plainly' say is not as easy as spotting some words on a page," Dagli wrote. "Islam's interpretative tradition exists because the differences between plain and hidden, elliptical and direct, absolute and qualified, are not always obvious."
发表于 2016-2-15 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 12:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
sousuo 发表于 2016-2-15 06:14 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 12:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
神父奸杀选美皇后 得州56年悬案被侦破(组图)

  现年83岁的费特(John Feit),数十年来一直是受害人艾琳加尔札(Irene Garza)命案的最主要嫌疑犯。而25岁的艾琳加尔扎曾是当地的选美皇后,且是一名聪明美丽的年轻女教师。  1960年4月复活节的前一晚,艾琳加尔扎照例去当地的圣心天主堂( Sacred Heart Catholic Church)找神父办告解,当天有位27岁的费特神父到艾琳告解的那座天主堂帮忙,艾琳告解后,费特神父把她带到神父办公室,接下来的事情只有费特神父一个人知道。
  后来天主教会辗转把费特神父送到密苏里州的一所修道院,在那里他和塔奇尼(Dale Tacheny)修士成为朋友,塔奇尼修士成为费特神父的精神导师,这时候费特神父逐渐把他奸杀艾琳的点点滴滴细节告诉塔奇尼,而塔奇尼几十年过去都没有透露费特神父奸杀艾琳的事。
  到了2002年,塔奇尼终于熬不过良心的谴责向警方报案,但当年陪审团在苦无证据情形下,裁定费特杀人罪名不成立。但又经过十多年,现在麦卡伦市所在的伊达戈尔县(Hidalgo County)一个大陪审团决定,将早已还俗的费特以一级谋杀罪起诉。
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 12:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
割喉剖腹杀华裔女 牧师竟称他是好人(图)

  华女马清清遭剖腹割喉案24日再次开庭,被告非洲裔索伯斯(Christopher Sobers)的精神鑑定结果出炉,显示其精神状况可以参与法庭审理。索伯斯之前所入教会的一位牧师到法庭旁听,表示「索伯斯乐于助人,是一位好青年,他还告诉我他没有杀人」。
  目前被关押在雷克岛监狱的索伯斯24日没有到庭,其公派律师莫兹(Judah Maltz)指出,检方尚未有充足的证据,因此还在调查。助理检察官沃肖斯基却说,「他不是第一个说『我没有做』的被告」,并强调有充足证据。此案下次开庭时间为4月19日。  Come Up Higher International Ministries的牧师Iviline G. Busby表示,她与索伯斯认识已有两三年,去年圣诞节的平安夜还邀请索伯斯到她家吃晚餐。「我特意来支持他,他是一个非常非常好的年轻人(very very nice young man)。据我了解,他的精神问题已持续多年,但他仍然积极去图书馆学习,还考虑上学。他绝不是那种裤子掉到一半、无所事事的人。他告诉我,他对马清清案一无所知,没有杀她。案发前他是去帮助马清清,因为他们是朋友,而且他爱帮助人。」
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-5 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-3-6 05:32 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-3-6 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
也和话 发表于 2016-3-5 12:35 PM

上帝是仁慈的,早就宽恕了神父的出轨,基督也替他赎罪了。倒是 ...

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