Well, I got this Oct 9th from ah alumni group, so it's not so speedy to post now; then again, this topic can't get over by a week or two any way, so there you have it, my first re-post. GO CHINA! --Wins
主题: 转发一个在日本工作的同学刚刚发来的消息:
打仗对经济发展的中国,会造成回落。如果说日本与中国开战,便宜的是美国。因为美国的经济在飞速倒退,十年之间,美国就会沦为二流国家。如果说中国与日本开战,美国支援日本,战争结束了,钓鱼岛挣到了,接下来就要商讨互相赔偿的问题了。钓鱼岛是中国绝对不可以放弃的岛屿。钓鱼岛就是中国的咽喉,中国的船只、军舰、潜水艇要想进入太平洋,必须经过钓鱼岛。美国就是打算靠战争来解决他的危机。中国现在主要做的就是派军舰巡航,日本去船先警告、警告无用可以撞他。绝对不可以开火!十年中国等的起,美国等不起、日本更等不起!现在只要抵制日货,就是最好的行动,中国进出口对日本来说是一主要资金来源。如果你是一个中国人,还有一点爱国之心,希望你看到后默默复制10份发给群和好友。美国与日本已经有资金进入中国, 支持中国部分城市动乱, 请善良的人民清醒, 安定工作, 不购日货, 我们唯一能做的便是在经济战算上一份子, 不要对同胞下手, 不要为难同胞, 团结起来, 一起对外! 努力工作便是爱国, 动乱胡闹便是害国! 请转发.....理性有序才是震慑日本的最大力量,既表国人誓死捍卫国土的决心,又显强大素质!千万不要过激,否则正中敌人下怀!30年代日谍川岛芳子曾假扮爱国青年鼓动国人杀人以便寻找借口且得逞,今天等着抹黑的人正四处寻找素材!不要内斗不要跟警察冲突他们也是满腔怒火无奈职责所在!千万不能让爱国行为演变成内斗,这正是敌人最希望的,不能把对侵略者的恨发泄在同胞身上,抹黑的人已经架好键盘,打算站在道德制高点把你们打的体无完肤,理性才是力量!钓鱼岛一定是我们的!切记!看了复制转出去,让更多同胞知道"
Also, not knowing if anyone here has read this -- and trans-funny-lations:
Japan, US call off joint drill to 'retake' disputed islands fearing backlash from China
New Orleans Sun (ANI) Sunday 21st October, 2012
Japan and the United States have decided to cancel a joint security drill to recapture a remote island in Okinawa Prefecture, according to sources.
Tokyo and Washington were considering holding the drill on the uninhabited island of Irisuna as part of joint military exercise slated for November.
Sources said that the drill could lead to a backlash from Beijing, which has reacted harshly to Japan's nationalization of the Senkaku Islands, which are also claimed by China and Taiwan.
According to the Japan Times, a government source said that the decision to skip the Irisuna recapturing drill 'reflects the opinion of the prime minister's office'.
Another reason was opposition from residents on Okinawa Island, about 60 km away, where sentiment against US bases has flared up following allegations that a Japanese woman was raped by U.S. sailors on Tuesday, the report said.
According to the report, the sources said that in light of these factors, the Defense Ministry found it difficult to proceed with the exercise, although it is considering substitute drills. (ANI)
新奥尔良太阳(ANI) 2012年10月21号(星期日)