I didn't set out to work as Jesus, but I have been playing him ever since I appeared in The Life of Christ at Wintershall Estate in 1998. For the past 14 years, I've been permanently Jesus-ready. I've had the long hair and the beard and have been in plays everywhere: Wales, Scotland, Australia, as well as outdoors in Trafalgar Square and the centre of Leicester. I've never had an agent. One play always leads to another. Many of my actor friends say, “Oh, James just does his Jesus stuff.” I could let it bother me, but I don't. | 我并不是一开始就打定主意要扮演耶稣的。但自从1998年在温特沙尔庄园(Wintershall Estate)的《耶稣生平》(The Life of Christ)中出演耶稣一角之后,我就一直在扮演耶稣。过去14年里,我的外形一直保持着随时可出演耶稣的状态。我留长发,蓄须,我在各地扮演耶稣:威尔士、苏格兰、澳大利亚,还在伦敦特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square)和莱斯特市中心参加过露天演出。我从没有过经纪人,但片约不断,从不断档。我的许多演员朋友说:“哦,詹姆斯(James)一天到晚演耶稣。”这种话挺烦人的,但我不以为意。 |
Funnily enough, I was born on Good Friday. I've met other Jesuses. I met Robert Powell, but I think he gets irritated that people still associate him with Jesus of Nazareth. He really wasn't that interested in talking to me. | 有意思的是,我出生那天恰好是耶稣受难日。我见过其他的耶稣扮演者。我见过罗伯特•鲍威尔(Robert Powell),但我感觉,得知人们仍然把他和拿撒勒的耶稣(Jesus of Nazareth)联系在一起,他有些生气。鲍威尔没什么兴趣跟我多聊。 |
Looking like Jesus can have a very powerful effect on people. When I appeared on stage as Jesus for the first time, a man saw me and collapsed into tears. Looking like this in daily life can be interesting. When I go into bars, for example, I always see people nudging each other. Invariably someone will come up to me with a bottle of water and ask me to turn it into wine. That happens a lot. I was on a date once in a wine bar, and we ended up with three tables joined together with everyone wanting to re-enact the Last Supper using the wine and the bread. It was strange, but fortunately the girl I was with thought it was fun. | 打扮得像耶稣,可能对别人产生非常大的影响。我第一次上台扮演耶稣的时候,一名男子看到我,顿时流下了眼泪。在日常生活中,这样的外形会带来一些有趣的经历。比如说,我去酒吧的时候,总会看到人们偷偷地捅身边的人。总会有人拿一杯水走到我面前,请求我把那杯水变成酒。这种事情层出不穷。有一次,我在一家酒吧约会,每个人都想跟我一起,用葡萄酒和面包做道具,重演《最后的晚餐》(Last Supper),最后大家把三张桌子拼了起来。那情形很古怪,还好和我约会的那位姑娘觉得挺好玩的。 |
I get stopped in the street as well. People even tell me they feel bad that they don't go to church more. A woman stopped me once and told me she felt like she really was standing next to Jesus. | 我有时候也会被路人拦住。甚至有人对我说,他们觉得很内疚,因为他们不再去教堂了。曾经有一名女子拦住我,对我说,她真的觉得自己就站在耶稣身旁。 |
Being Jesus has even saved me a couple of times. Once, at the Edinburgh Festival, I was in a play called Mary and the Stripper about Mary Magdalene. I was walking home, still dressed as Jesus, when I saw a bunch of guys fighting. I thought, “I'm not going to get past this lot.” I was convinced they'd take one look and pummel me. As I got nearer, one of the men looked up from knocking the teeth out of another guy, saw me and said, “It's Jesus!” All the men stopped. I thought my number was up so I just started talking. I told the parable of the prodigal son. They ended up in a semi-circle around me, listening. When I got to the end of the story one of the men asked, “What happened next?” They'd been engrossed. | 扮演耶稣还有几次为我解了围。有一次,在爱丁堡艺术节(Edinburgh Festival)上,我在一部关于抹大拉的玛利亚(Mary Magdalene)的剧目——《玛利亚和脱衣舞女郎》(Mary and the Stripper)——中扮演耶稣。演出结束之后,我穿着戏服步行回家,路上看到一伙人在打架。我心想:“我可不想从这伙人面前走过。”我非常肯定,这伙人只要看我一眼,就会给我一顿胖揍。我走近一些的时候,一个刚刚打掉另一个人几颗牙的家伙抬起头来看看我,说:“是耶稣。”所有人都停了下来。我心想,这下我死定了,于是干脆开始讲话。我讲了圣经中浪子回头的故事。最后,那伙人在我身边围成一个半圆,听我讲故事。我讲完的时候,其中一个人问:“后来呢?”他们听入迷了。 |
Performances usually end with the Ascension and me walking up some stairs or, if it's in the countryside, into some woods. Afterwards, people often come and find me. Some cry, some pray, some want to have a photograph taken with me. This year, after a performance in Trafalgar Square things got violent. People pushed and jostled to get their picture taken with me, and there was no one around to help me. I felt as if I was in the middle of an angry mob, just like Jesus had been so often in his life. | 演出通常以“耶稣升天”(Ascension)那一幕结束。那时我会登上几级台阶,如果演出是在乡下的话,我会走进一片树林。之后,人们往往会来寻找我。有些在哭,有些在祈祷,有些想跟我合影。今年在特拉法加广场的一次演出后,场面出现失控。人们互相推搡,争相跟我合影,周围也没有一个人来帮我。我觉得自己像被一群愤怒的暴徒包围,正如耶稣曾屡次遭遇过的那样。 |
Once, as I was being crucified, one of the Roman soldiers accidentally hit my legs with the mallet. I screamed this blood- curdling scream but no one -except the soldier realised it was a real scream. On the cross, I was crying real tears. My ankles went numb. I could see the soldier looking up at me and saying he was sorry, but I couldn't say anything back to him. You couldn't have people seeing Jesus saying, “Don't worry about it, mate”, to the soldiers. After they took me down, I managed to do the Resurrection even though both my ankles were fractured. Through that experience I learnt about forgiveness. | 有一次,在被钉在十字架上的时候,一名罗马士兵的木槌不小心砸到了我的双腿。我尖叫一声,那声音足以让听到的人血液凝固,但除了那名罗马士兵,没有任何人意识到那叫声不是在演戏。我在十字架上流下了真实的眼泪。我的脚踝疼得麻木了。我能看到那名士兵看着我,跟我说对不起,但我没法对他说什么。我不可能让观众看到耶稣对一名罗马士兵说:“没关系,兄弟。”他们把我抬下来之后,我拖着两只骨折了的脚踝,接着演完了“耶稣复活”(Resurrection)。那次的经历,让我学会了原谅。 |
To me, being a Christian is about what you do, not what you say you do. I love playing Jesus. I also direct and write, so that when I am too old and grey to be a convincing Jesus I can still do these plays. I'm not worried about being typecast. Your craft is your craft. I'm not trying to make it in Hollywood. | 我认为,基督徒不是口头说说而已,而要体现在行动上。我喜欢扮演耶稣。我也做导演和编剧的工作,这样的话,有一天我老得头发都白了、演不了耶稣的时候,我还可以为有关耶稣的剧目做一些工作。我不担心总演一个角色。你是哪一型就演哪一型。我又不打算进军好莱坞。 |
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