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“世界由高盛统治” 交易员吓呆BBC主播

发表于 2011-9-27 06:40 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


发表出位言论的拉斯塔尼(Alessio Rastani)自称具股票及外汇交易经验,他在节目中预期「市场已完蛋」,当主持追问有何解决办法时,他声称大部分交易员并不关心要怎样恢复经济,「我们的工作是从中赚钱」。他又称最过去3年内「每晚上?睡觉都会梦见另一次衰退,梦见另一个如同当前的时刻」。


这段长约3分钟的访问迅速在网上传播。英美两地均有舆论对拉斯塔尼的真实身分提出质疑,twitter更有传言指他是恶化作剧组织「Yes Men」的成员,该组织多次假冒大型商业机构身分,表达针对大财团缺乏社会关怀等问题的关注。BBC在2004年曾上了该组织的当,一名扮成美国陶氏化工代表的成员当时向BBC宣称,陶氏化工愿对1984年在印度博帕尔泄漏有毒化学品事件作出赔偿。有网民找出当年的採访片段,怀疑拉斯塔尼正是当年搞恶作剧的人。但BBC后来发表声明,强调没有证据显示拉斯塔尼是骗徒。福布斯网站昨找拉斯塔尼求证身分时,他坚称自己「百分百是个交易员」。

发表于 2011-9-27 06:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
ByStander 发表于 2011-9-27 19:40 英国一名独立交易员周一在英国广播公司(BBC)直播新闻节目中,宣称经济灾难为交易员带来赚钱良机,又扬言世 ...
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-9-27 06:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
I watched it last night.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-27 06:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
if you wanna look for negative news, you know where you should go.
Zero Hedge's post yesterday of a trader telling the BBC how he (and everyone else) really feels about the current cataclysmic situation, went viral, and as of this writing, was about to generate 100,000 hits (legit ones: no slideshows were massacred in the creation of a some CPM abortion). Needless to say, the trader in question, Alessio Rastani, very suddenly and violently entered the public's eye, the most amusing side effect of which was the emergence a fringe group claiming that just because he looks like some other guy, that he is a spoof, and this was immediately used by the conventional media to attempt to discredit him. And as usually happens, this has backfired. The BBC has just released a statement confirming that Rastani is, indeed, a trader, and that all those (Forbes) who have nothing better to do than to attack the messenger and not the message, may be better advised to taking a Math 101 class and realizing why we are all scroomed, instead of polishing their character assassination skills. To everyone else who attempted to marginalize Rastani, "suck it" is not exactly what we would like to say, but it sure does the job. And to that we would like to add that just because Larry Summers is a spitting image of Jabba the Hut, that does not make him an automatic member of the "Tattoine Men" comedy troupe.

Full BBC Statement:

Statement on BBC News channel interview with trader Alessio Rastani

Date: 27.09.2011

The BBC have today issued the following statement regarding an interview with trader Alessio Rastani on the BBC News channel yesterday (Monday 26 September):

"We've carried out detailed investigations and can't find any evidence to suggest that the interview with Alessio Rastani was a hoax. He is an independent market trader and one of a range of voices we've had on air to talk about the recession."

BBC Press Office
And Statement from the Yes Men:

The Yes Men wish to commend Mr. "Alessio Rastani" for his masterful performance as "trader" on BBC World yesterday. Mr. Rastani's real name is Granwyth Hulatberi; he once appeared on CNBC MarketWrap as a "representative" of the WTO. Well done, Granwyth! You're getting better and better.

Just kidding. We've never heard of Rastani. Despite widespread speculation, he isn't a Yes Man. He's a real trader who is, for one reason or another, being more honest than usual. Who in big banking doesn't
bet against the interests of the poor and find themselves massively
recompensed—if not by the market, then by humongous taxpayer bailouts?
Rastani's approach has been completely mainstream for several years now;
we must thank him for putting a human face on it yesterday.

If you'd like to see the human face of the human perspective—the perspective of the 99% victimized by our demented and out-of-control financial system—come join the occupation of Wall Street. Michael Moore did so  last night,
and pointed out that in America, it's just 400 people who own as much
as most of the rest of us put together—and that when we decide we really
want to change the rules of the game, those 400 people won't be able to
do squat about it.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-27 11:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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