本帖最后由 xyin 于 2010-3-14 15:01 编辑
Friday 3/12/2010
*************************** S&P 500 FUNDAMENTALS ****************************
The real P/E for the S&P 500 is based on "as reported" or GAAP earnings
(calculated using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), and it is the
standard for historical earnings comparisons. The normal range for the GAAP
P/E ratio is between 10 (undervalued) to 20 (overvalued).
Market cheerleaders invariably use "pro forma" or "operating earnings,"
which exclude some expenses and are deceptively optimistic. They are
useless and should be ignored.
The following are the most recently reported and projected twelve-month
trailing (TMT) earnings, quarterly earnings, and price/earnings ratios (P/Es)
according to Standard and Poors.
Est Est Est Est
2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3
TMT P/E Ratio (GAAP).......: 91.70 22.50 19.60 19.40 19.40
TMT P/E Ratio (Operating)..: 29.00 20.20 17.90 16.60 15.50
TMT Earnings (GAAP)........: 12.54 51.16 58.60 59.42 59.35
TMT Earnings (Operating)...: 39.61 57.02 64.12 69.33 74.05
QTRLY Earnings (GAAP)......: 14.76 15.37 14.96 14.33 14.69
QTRLY Earnings (Operating).: 15.78 17.32 17.21 19.02 20.50
For a more thorough discussion of earnings and other fundamentals
click here.
Based upon projected GAAP earnings the following would be the approximate
S&P 500 values at the cardinal points of the normal historical value range.
They are calculated simply by multiplying the GAAP EPS by 10, 15, and 20:
Est Est Est Est
2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3
Undervalued (SPX if P/E = 10): 125 512 586 594 594
Fair Value (SPX if P/E = 15): 188 767 879 891 890
Overvalued (SPX if P/E = 20): 251 1023 1172 1188 1187
******************* COMPARISON OF MAJOR INDEXES ***************************
Price/Earnings Ratio........: 92 21 31 17 13 D
Dividend Yield..............: 2.0% 1.7% 0.4% 2.6% 4.6% ----
*********************** DIVIDEND VALUE RANGE ANALYSIS ***********************
The yield for the DJIA, DJTA and the S&P 500 has historically moved
between a range of 3% (overvalued) and 6% (undervalued). The normal yield
range for the DJUA is between 3% and 12%. Decision Point expresses this
range as an RVR (Relative to Value Range) value of between 0 (undervalued)
and 100 (overvalued). Values can fall outside that range, and, when they
do, indicate even greater extremes of market valuation.
----------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- -----
Current Closing Price.............: 1150 10625 377 46
Current Yield.....................: 2.0% 2.6% 1.7% 4.6%
Current P/E.......................: 92 17 62 13
Current Payout Ratio..............: 1.8 38.2 1.1 0.6
Current RVR.......................: 135 113 143 82
Price at 1.5% Yield..............: 1533 18417 427 141
Price at 3.0% Yield (RVR 100)....: 767 9208 214 71
Price at 4.0% Yield..............: 575 6906 160 53
Price at 5.0% Yield..............: 460 5525 128 42
Price at 6.0% Yield (RVR 0).....: 383 4604 107 35
Price at 8.0% Yield..............: 288 3453 80 26
Price at 12.0% Yield (RVR 0 - DJUA).........................: 18
*********************** MISCELLANEOUS MARKET MEASURES ***********************
DJIA Yield.............: 2.62% Bearish (Norm Rng: 3% - 6%)
DJIA P/E...............: 16.65 Neutral (Norm Rng: 10 - 20)
T-Bill Yield/DJIA Yield: 0.05 Bullish (Norm Rng: 1.6 - 2.0)
Price to Dividend Ratio: 38.17 Bearish (Should be less than 30)
The chart below offers perspective regarding current S&P 500 P/E and yield
relative to normal historical ranges.
The chart beloww calculates the SPX P/E by dividing the SPX price by Prior
Peak Earnings, a method developed by John Hussman, manager of the Hussman
Funds. (hussmanfunds.com) It orients valuations to the long-term
rising trend of earnings growth as defined by peak-to-peak earnings.
[img]http://decisionpoint.com/servlet/SharpChartv05.ServletDriver?chart=!pppespx,uu[618,160]mklannaa[pa!a!a!a!a!a20!a10][d19260101x][c!!!!6FC1E3!000000!!000000][/img] |