Nanosolar Completes Panel Factory, Commences Serial Production
By Nanosolar Communications - September 9, 2009
Today Nanosolar demonstrated the completion of its European panel-assembly factory as part of an inauguration event attended by Germany's Minister of the Environment, the Governor of the State of Brandenburg, and a host of other leading public officials. Located in Luckenwalde near Berlin, the fully-automated factory processes Nanosolar cells into finished Nanosolar panels using innovative high-throughput manufacturing techniques and tooling developed by Nanosolar and its partners.
The panel factory is automated to sustain a production rate of one panel every ten seconds, or an annual capacity of 640MW when operated 24x7. Nanosolar also today announced that serial production in its San Jose, California, cell production factory commenced earlier this year.
"Getting to the point of serial production with the unusual cost reduction involved in our technology is an accomplishment due to the incredible work and perseverance of our team," said CEO Roscheisen.
Production is presently set at approximately one MW per month. As Nanosolar's customers attain project financing from commercial banks for the new panel product, the company will increase its monthly production rate to deliver on its contractual customer commitments totaling $4.1 billion to date.
Said CEO Roscheisen: "With almost all large solar installations credit financed, broad based product bankability is our key next commercial goal. We have long prepared for this, including through the technology choices we have made, the strong balance sheet we have maintained, the quality of customers we have secured, and the local production we have built."
the California Energy Commission as well as the National Science Foundation.
NREL Certifies 16.4% Nanosolar Foil Efficiency
By Martin Roscheisen, CEO - September 9, 2009
It was May 2006 when we last released information about our power-conversion efficiencies to the public (for a cell sample on glass actually back then). We have made a lot of progress since then; so an update is appropriate.
Our lab and production teams have managed to make more progress on efficiency than we had planned on in any of our business plans. Recall that we print CIGS onto inexpensive metal foil, that is, something that some have been skeptical can work while others have been wondering whether it can deliver efficient cells.
So we are pleased to announce that our low-cost printed-CIGS-on-metal-foil cell stack and process produces quite efficient cells: Earlier this year, NREL independently verified several of our cell foils to be as efficient as 16.4%.
At 16.4% efficiency, our foil cells represent two world records in one: It's the most efficient printed solar cell of any kind (all semiconductor and device technologies) as well as the most efficient cell on a truly low-cost metal foil (with a material cost of only a cent or two per square foot and mil thickness).
In terms of our current baseline production process, our best production rolls now achieve higher than 11% median efficiency measured as equivalent to panel efficiency, with very tight cross- and down-web uniformity.
A comprehensive description of our cell technology platform as well as NREL's efficiency certifications can be found in our cell technology white paper.
这里有太阳能高手看得懂Nanosolar网站上的两份white paper吗?如果Nanosolar公布的数据可靠而且可以批量生产,现在的太阳能厂家全都没戏! |