*LGND独立研制的龙头产品,治疗高血压的药物DARA今年2月已完成二期临床实验,数据表明DARA可以比标准对比药物明显非常大地降低血压,十分令人满意(实验数据描述原文:PS433540(DARA) was found to be safe and well tolerated and demonstrated statistically significant greater reductions in blood pressure than placebo. The high dose of PS433540 produced a statistically significantly greater reduction in blood pressure than the active comparator, irbesartan which was tested at its highest approved dose.)财力雄厚的LGND一但宣布三期实验的开展,股必将应声而起。
*LGND与Wyeth 合作的二个药物VIVIANTTM(Bazedoxifene)、APRELATM (bazedoxifene in combination with PREMARIN)都已申请NDA,现处于FDA 审查阶段。尽管从提成的幅度来看,好似有血汗工厂疑惑。但以Wyeth在业界的能量及销售手腕来看,一但通过,LGND每年坐收几百万美金应无太大问题。
*AVINZA 已经被KING收购,如果销售超过2亿,KING将付给LGND高于5%的权利金(低于2亿以5%计)。从LGND提供的数据看,公司每年从KING收取15%的权利金(原文:Through October 2008, we received a 15% royalty on AVINZA net sales. ),根据协议,这必须是AVINZA 销售超过2.5亿美金才能得到的提成。单此一项,LGND每年可进帐几千万。
I cannot understand what is your means about LGND: 一只会下金蛋的鸡? Look at the balance sheet of LGND at 30-Jun-2009 Total Assets: 129,176 K; Total Liabilities 141,435 K; Net Tangible Assets ($13,918); Also for last few years LGND's earnings most time made big loss.