bar 2 and bar 3 new closing high, 不能算熊。bar 1, 2, and 3 交易量在平均线下,且不断减少,说明主力资金还没有开始派发筹码。bar 1 and 2两个日内新高,虽然都被打回来了,但是从递减的交易量上看,并不是因为上方有新的卖压。
蓝box是一个主要支撑,居然都没有被碰过一下。蓝线和绿线是8/21的盘整区,但是蓝线只被barely touched twice。可见很多人在这里buy dip。
1# Diffusion
It seems those doji are 'Classic' reveral bars from a chart reader?!
WaveTrender 发表于 2009-8-27 08:02
yes. this is not textbook candle stick chart reading. i was trying to understand what the market is doing underneath. my interpertation could be wrong though.