Several days ago, when I saw Deutsche Bank predicted half of all mortgages expected to be underwater by 2011, I thought I might be just another bs prediction. Now I see this First American CoreLogic report shows that 32.2% US mortgages are already underwater. Considering a 5% commision, about 40% are underwater.
How will the banks survive the next couple of years? ... ty_final_081309.pdf
Mortgage Facts and Figures - Select States:
California has $2.4 trillion in mortgages debt. 42.0% of the properties have negative equity.
Florida has $923 billion in mortgage debt. 49.4% of the properties have negative equity.
Illinois has $447 billion in mortgage debt. 29.4% of the properties have negative equity.
Arizona has $298 billion in mortgage debt. 51.0% of the properties have negative equity.
Nevada has $149 billion in mortgage debt. 65.6% of the properties have negative equity.
Nationwide there is $10.1 trillion in mortgage debt. 32.2% of the properties have negative equity.37.6% of the properties have "near-negative" equity.
maybe you used different rules for the calculation. I have no idea myself.
jsl 发表于 2009-8-17 16:41
American moves every 6 years, so most mortgages are pretty fresh. Now the loan criteria is more strict, but there are still lots of people only pay 3~5% down payments. I just checked over 100 mortgages in my area for the past several months. There are over 20% such near zero down loans. I even saw two zero down loans. I can’t believe how they got such zero down mortgage at this time.