上点信息,Institution is in accumulation,Liquidity is very high,所以还是看不出来有啥大跌的可能,尽管看星星的不少开始叫了,下周有可能CRASH!Well,we'll see。
Chart B: Liquidity Inflows and Outflows
Liquidity inflows are critical to the market's action. If indicators are weakening while Liquidity is flowing in, then the liquidity inflow will take precedence and hold the market up. Yesterday, Liquidity inflows had a down tick, but were still reasonably high and at no panic level
Chart C: Institutional Accumulation/Distribution
Meanwhile, Institutional Investors remained in Accumulation with the Buy/Sell spread decreasing. Institutional buying decreased, and Institutional selling increased. Overall, conditions are showing increased stress that should remain in effect during the next few days. This means short term long trades will be very difficult to trade on the long side. |