本帖最后由 多吉 于 2009-7-30 17:29 编辑
Being squeezed very very hard..
AsianPear 发表于 2009-7-30 12:49 PM 
You should be okay in the near future with any short position being built since last week. I didn't cover a single share of my original short position either. Just sit tight and have DTed to play both sides of the market.
The SP500 did exceed my target 992-995 in the morning run, so I added a 30% of shorts on SPY/IWM/Qs as planed. I just got a half of it covered in AH and plan to reload if there would be any sizable pop-ups tomorrow morning.
The prelude of free fall was seen in the later afternoon when the market tried to retreat orderly. MMs had the market beast out of control in big selling volumes. I take the bears would have very good chance to unload with a profit next week.
Nevertheless, I did underestimate the power behind the rally and made the same mistake as the one in March, although the risk control was brought in place this round. I guess it's a much harder job to timing the top than buying dips.
Anyway, I've been wrong about the top for so many times that I better off shut up until the patience on my short position gets paid off... It won't be too long to see it, so CHEERS!, to my bear fellas。。。
1) SPX target 992-995 is reached today...

2) NASDAQ ultimate target 2012 is almost there too...

3) My take about the market's next move...
