the direct impact is the housing, if house forclosure keep going up, banks will suffer and the resession will more like japan in starting from earlier 1991,
From what I saw:
1. home price is bottoming
2. no big cuts from big tech/finance/ companies, I did not hear any new 裁员 recently . I do believe 裁员 peak is past.
banks are obviously leading the market in this cycle. many banks, if not all, are hiring crazily since April. According to a recruiter friend, the sort like GS is in crazy hiring spree as in 2007. sure, it got rid of a lot of people (including famous TC?) in 4th Qtr of 2008...
I cannot agree with any of them.
1. Do you know banks have huge housing inventory? They are just playing the waiting game. They even refused to take the foreclosure properties for the moment because of tax issues.
2. Big cuts is always announced when the company is pressured by the analyst. 2Q is still ok. 3Q could be really bad. so staring from 4Q, there will be the second wave of firing people. Then starting from the next year, the company is lean. We are then could talk about recovery.
From what I saw:
1. home price is bottoming
2. no big cuts from big tech/finance/ companies, I did not hear any new 裁员 recently . I do believe 裁员 peak is past.
dara 发表于 2009-7-13 16:36