楼主 |
发表于 2009-7-9 08:30 PM
本帖最后由 Roubini 于 2009-7-9 21:35 编辑
我ft, 本来灌点水是图一乐,居然有来刷屏较真的半桶水乱晃。
Please see the comment in blue.
---美国国债可不愁卖,最近10 year note auction bid/cover ratio 创了新高。股市不好,domestic investor money flow from equity market to fix income 是钱从左袋到右袋,no big deal. O8 关心的是how to sell to foreign investor (the indirect bidder). 还有历史数据表明,外国买家对十年债券不关心,大家爱买30年债券被长期套牢 (willing to take inflation risk and interest risk倒是比较费解)。归结根底,要维持美元相对强势,保持经济欣欣相容的假象才能继续骗冤大头
---股市跌个惨兮兮,大家信心不足,于是中东王子,亚洲官僚,欧洲央行打开腰包来美国捡便宜货买低息债券 (negative credit risk)?Remember, stock market is the leading indicator of economy recovery.
---Election is another story years away, too many things can happen in between, it wouldn't be surprise if Obama disover bin-laden at that time. We are looking at the next few months.
--- 放开眼界,I give you a better choice how about keep constant fluctuation around 900?
3# dividend_growth |