60min chart storsi显示bulls' time used up. 接下来一天会是熊熊的舞台。
今天的sector中除了xlk以外没有明显的leader,但是xlk从今天以后恐怕很难outperm大盘了,不drag down就不错了,为什么?go to stockcharts.com check xlk:spy ratio chart, 就知道我的意思了。(代理问题,图没法贴)
再看看what happened after "all up day",根据cobrasmarketview,去年10月底和今年三月底各有一次,第二天market均小幅低开后走猪,最后一个小时dip,第三天gap down并且大幅回调(然后就不好说了)
StoRSI has extended to the time limit for All the sector etf on their single chart, and pullback is due. When all sectors pullback together, a huge amplitude and a long period is expected.
So very probably, next week will continue the downtrend started from Jun 12.