本帖最后由 colderdown 于 2009-5-29 17:53 编辑
SPY 440, PE 8. “Nothing works, we are dead” (Short here: you may need to get laid to cheer up)
SPY 660 PE 12. “What is Gov. doing, they better do sth. right” (Long here: Good call indeed, Gov. still can make some moves)
SPY 825, PE 15. “Well, things may get better soon”. (Long here: You have very optimistic personality. 50% you may be right)
SPY 935, PE 17. “We are in the bull market, GDP will grow above 4% rate. (Long here: Can you read?)
SPY 990, PE18. “We are in the super bull market. GDP grows above 6%. Job is everywhere. I will ask my boss to give me a raise, otherwise, I will fire him”. (Long here: What do you smoke, bro. I need some of that stuff)
SPY1050 PE 19. “All the banks are making good money now, They are back to pre deregulation level. My house price back to 2007, I will buy another one and a BMW”. (Long here: you give yourself too much hand job, slow down a bit please) |