Is there anybody have an idea strong euro good or bad for US stock market?
cartier 发表于 2009-5-24 17:29
strong euro in general is good for stock market, however, the economy development of euro countries can not support a over-valued euro. I do expect euro to come down soon.
Normally, weak dollar / strong euro is good for spx, as it is a sign of re-risking/carry trade/exporting. However, if bond and dollar sell off too fast, that is extremely dangerous since that questions credibility of Fed / US Gov intervention / Dollar
Normally, weak dollar / strong euro is good for spx, as it is a sign of re-risking/carry trade/exporting. However, if bond and dollar sell off too fast, that is extremely dangerous since that question ...
zooie 发表于 2009-5-24 22:13