本帖最后由 n748 于 2009-5-4 22:39 编辑
S & P is 900+, but that's not the end of the world.
As a small frog, I'm still holding my QID for future profit, yes, I believe I will get out of this position some day, with profit.
The media, the environment, gives me a feeling of bull market. Not just a bull market, but a crazy bull market.
Just the opposite of what I felt in March.
People are talking about 1000, 1200, well, they can say whatever they want to. by the way, where were those people when S & P was below 700?
Not be scared. Instead, treat it as an opportunity to add more short position at better price.
Everyone should know that market can not go straight up for too long, especially when it has already accomplished 36% gain. However, everyone becomes hasitate, or at least much less aggressive in shorting.
It's obivious now, even those Laodas are not really sure how to handle this technically extremely over baught market.
Is it similar to what people did when it was 700-? Hasitate and not really sure whether to buy for a rally? (I did load to 85%, but sold too earlier. And I admit that I shorted too early too)
That's when we actually should be more aggressive, and confident to go short, isn't it? I don't know how high this crazy market can go. What I am trying to do is wait and add more position by buying SDS QID SH at cheaper price. 100 at a time so that I will not be too deep under water. I treat this as simple as I can, like a small kid, the higher it goes without pullback, the harder the drop will be, which means the more profitable for your short position, right? |