发表于 2009-4-13 10:27 AM
本帖最后由 diaqqqq 于 2009-4-13 11:34 编辑
Played both TNA, BGU and SSO, sold after 2% gain (scared by the unfilled gap about 1 week ago). Just bought some more position to play the 2nd trip, hopefully it will get 100% filled sometime today.
I am expecting the market to gap up tomorrow morning after GS earnings (GS earning must be very good, but I think it has been priced in at least partially), then the market could start the selloff (sell on news) around noon or in the afternoon. I hope to get some FAZ between $7-8 sometime tomorrow, and will also buy some SRS/TZA/BGZ too if it gets there. And hopefully market could pull back to 820-830 area by OE, and if so, will unload all shorts by then. |