On March 16, 2009, The FASB have proposed allowing companies to use more leeway in valuing their assets under "mark-to-market" accounting, a move that could ease balance-sheet pressures many companies say they are feeling during the economic crisis. The FASB is planning a final vote on the said proposal April 2, after a 15-day public comment period. If enacted as planned, companies could use the new guidance when issuing their first-quarter financial statements.
前期大银行拼命write off用的就是M2M, 上百亿的lost,一个比一个狠,唬得政府花大钱作保证买垃圾,现在有leeway了,基本上可以说是自己看着办吧,那还不是想怎样就怎样。
卧50%水下空仓。。YMYD |